Sanchez on Town: Kill the messenger

By: Contributor
26 August, 2012

Below, Taos Friction posts the final part of a four-part series about Town of Taos government by former town Councilman Gene Sanchez. While much of the information is on the public record, some of the alleged thuggery might shock the reader (Rated PG).

To hell with the message: kill the messenger

In 2010 I asked the Town Manager, Daniel Miera to prepare an outline of events that caused the Mayor’s negative attitude towards him. After all, Daniel was his golden boy whom he had earlier praised and raised his salary.

Daniel prepared the requested document and I shared it with someone no longer with us. Unfortunately, the report was spread through email without my knowledge or consent. I was asked by a reporter from the Taos News if I had leaked the contents to the press and I immediately replied that I had not. Next morning, Nancy Stapp host of “Breakfast with Nancy” asked me if I had leaked the contents to the press. I indicated I had shared a document with a friend. The radio host accused me of breaking the law and revealing what was discussed in executive session. The law does not protect information discussed in executive session and what’s more I did not reveal anything that had been discussed in executive session. I did make a mistake in sharing a document that was prepared for me. I was sorry and I apologized. I asked and received assurance from the then Town Attorney that I had not compromised an executive session discussion.

There have been many distortions generated by the Mayor and some members of DMC Broadcasting having to do with Daniel Miera, Jeff Northrup, myself or anyone that challenges the Mayor’s activities.

The Mayor and Nancy, on her program, referred to Jeff Northrup as an animal and child abuser. Yes, this is the same man who stuffs his burro’s ears and comforts the animal during a fireworks display. I can personally assure that Jeff is not a child abuser, animal abuser or pedophile. DMC refuses to apologize for their vile characterization of Jeff.

The mainstream media ignored the message and focused instead on killing the messenger. Now, Jeff is free to use his signs to focus on bias, corruption, and bigotry at DMC and the Town.

Mother’s Day

The Town and County sponsor the Mother’s Day concert to the tune of $12,00 in cash and thousands of extra dollars in kind donations–the park, police, and public infrastructure. Darren Cordova, mayor and DMC Broadcast maven, admitted he did not need the Town or County’s money. He makes his money, selling records, collecting fees for all the booths, income from some concessions. He spends a large sum of the Town and County money advertising the event on his many radio stations. The visiting bands play free for the opportunity of having public exposure.

I suggested at a regular council meeting that since the Mayor did not need the money, the town should  use it for another worthy cause. The motion was rejected. Though I did not suggest the annual Mother’s event should be closed, the Mayor’s brother on his Spanish radio program stated that Gene Sanchez, wanted to close down the event like “a typical gringo”. When asked both Daniel and Darren Cordova refused to explain these bigoted remarks.

Jeff Northrup attended the Mother’s Day Concert this year. Daniel Cordova, the Mayor’s brother, grabbed the microphone from a performer and told the audience that Jeff was not welcome. He directed the police to escort Jeff out of the park saying “this event is “por la gente, only”. Jeff did nothing to provoke anyone. He was just there. The cops escorted the him out of the public park.

Mayor’s perks

Mayor Darren Cordova, allegedly, makes building repairs without the required building permit, and he awards himself $6600 yearly for a car allowance (which is against the law). He has tried to sidestep paying a fee at the landfill for depositing trash collected from around his trailer park. The landfill personnel did not buy his story and the Mayor had to pay. Later forced the Town to reimburse him for some other trash removal.

For 20 years the community has recognized the achievements of county members as “Living Treasures.” But the program was canceled about three years ago because one of the recipients was Jeff Northrup, the sign man. An independent committee of non-politicos review the names submitted by community members. Jeff was selected for his focus on alerting the community to the price of gasoline and other civic pursuits.

(He’s very popular among the anciancos because he speaks up to politicos.)

The Mayor cut off funding for the “Living Treasures” event. Now the even has a new name.


I could write a book on the shenanigans that have taken place and the huge amounts of money that have been wasted or mismanaged because of unnecessary projects at the Town of Taos. I’ll be working along with other concerned citizens to attempt to expose the mismanagement of the Kit Carson Electric Coop, where eight of the eleven trustees rubber stamp the CEO’s policies. KCEC and the Town of Taos have been working together against taxpayers and ratepayers.

A friend of mine tells me “when you live in Taos long enough, you’ll understand.” Well I was born and raised in Taos and the politics never fail to confound me. I guess I’ll never understand.

Gene Sanchez,

Concerned Citizen