Cats Quit CRAB Hall

By: Bill Whaley
27 July, 2010

Illustration from a board game cover for Alderac Entertainment

According to Flavio, “The cats have turned into rats and are leaving a sinking ship.” The longtime CRAB Hall custodian says, “TMS Finance Department Director Robert Spinelli, 33-year employee Angela Tafoya, and Roberta Martinez all quit.” The new finance director, Spinelli, who has only been on the job since Jan., cited the departure of two clerks and a bookkeeper as well as hostility toward the department by the board in his July 22 letter, indicating his resignation as of July 31. Tafoya and Martinez confirmed Aug. 6 as their last day—according to a July 27 letter that followed the Spinelli letter of resignation.

Former Finance Director Liz Trujillo left about a year ago. Now a total of  seven members from the finance department have jumped ship in reaction (?) to three audits, according to the record.

While the latest regular yearly audit of TMS has yet to be released by the board to the public, an insider says it describes a dysfunctional finance department: missing documentation and moneys unaccounted for. The regular annual audit comes on the heels of two other audits, one supervised by the state auditor’s office and a previous systems analysis by Peter Baston. All three audits confirm the lack of professional procedures and systems at the TMS finance department.

We don’t know why the mainstream press is avoiding the subject so we thought we’d let you know. There’s more. “Mucha, mucha,” says Flavio.