Fox Entertainment Intrigued by Protest March

By: Bill Whaley
16 April, 2010

Cheech and Chong Return?
Political Satire

Nobody noticed a portly gray-haired Viejo filming the Brown Beret protest march in Taos on April 15. Second homer and retired writer Chaucer Henderson told this columnist he had been asked by Fox Entertainment to record the event. “They’re very interested in either a reality-based show or a feature film based on Los Politicos in El Norte.

“Cheech Marin really enjoyed his role as “Juma Ali of Aztlan” in “The Disappeared Barber.” He wants to direct and act. He might reprise the performance of Joe Mondragon character in Milagro Beanfield War. The inspiration for the novel, Jodie Cisneros, a school board member from Questa was among the protesters.

“Now that Tommy Chong is out of jail, he can play Arsenio Cordova. Cordova is the incarnate representative of the historic educator and outlaw priest, Padre Martinez.”

A bronze statue of the man who haunted the Archbishop is on Taos Plaza.

The Brown Berets, including fourteen local activists, accompanied by seven Taos-based journalists, and five Town cop cars gathered in front of Mayor Darren Cordova’s DMC Broadcast studios and Santa Fe heiress, Robin McKinney’s Taos News, to protest biased press coverage of the schools and the abridgement of acequia rights by the Town fathers and one mother. The internecine political escapade featured Mayor Cordova’s loud music played from a mobile broadcast van in an attempt to drown out the protesters. Town Police Lt. Maggio apparently convinced the Mayor to conform to the noise ordinance and turn down the music. News reports say the Mayor substituted the sharp-edged voiced of shock jock Nancy Stapp for the pastoral tones of Ranchero Rock—much to the chagrin of the marchers.

Later at the Taos News, online reporter Mighty Matt wrote that Town Councilor Gene Sanchez called out the “spineless ones.” Insiders say Publisher Chris Baker hovered behind the skirts of Editor Joan Livingston while outsiders claim Arsenio Cordova continued his vintage 1970s diatribe, rehearsed the night before at a school board meeting—alternately insulting and praising the general population with theatrical Chicano rhetoric. Parciante Jerome Lucero sent a strong message to the Mayor, suggesting the musician-radio buff pay more attention to town matters—like the fallow Spring Ditch—and spend less time focused on seizing the schools

The retired pulp fiction writer and script doctor, Chaucer Henderson told this columnist, “I believe reality television is out because of the credibility factor. Nobody would believe what goes on here in this soap opera—which is really the appropriate form i.e. “Southwestern Exposure” for the dramatic doings here. But with a film you draw bigger names and more money.

“Think George Lopez as Gene Sanchez, Javier Bardem as Darren Cordova, Ruben Blades as Abogado Alan Maestas, Dennis Hopper as Jerome Lucero, Ellen DeGeneres as Nancy Stapp, Wally Shawn as Chris Baker, Matthew Modine as Mighty Matt, Sally Field as Georgia Page, and Penelope Cruz as the ghostly Bruja, Teresa Ferguson, Goddess of Realtors, Crooked Attorneys, and Title Companies.”

“But Ms. Ferguson wasn’t present at the March,” I said.

“We need sex appeal to sell this project,” said Henderson. A film focused on Viejos won’t sell tickets. We need Penney.”

Strictly Confidential, off the record, and on the Q.T., Henderson said local impresario Luis Reyes, CEO of KCEC, might back the film project as part of the Coop’s Broadband initiative. Reyes apparently told Henderson that film production fit right in with Kit Carson’s plans to expand into the development of home-based content. Apparently Coop ratepayers would finance the package by guaranteeing RUS loans, Henderson said.

“What’s another twenty or thirty million dollars to the traveling trustees?” asked the writer rhetorically. The only downside concerns Reyes’ request that we consider Jennifer Lopez for the Ferguson role instead of Penelope Cruz. He’s concerned about projecting a Puerto Rican connection. He also wants Robert Downey Jr. to play his character. I worry about his constant meddling.”

So, the protest, which seems divisive in appearance, could have economic benefits for the community in reality. As the famed Greek hotel owner in Taos used to say, “You never know who you work for, buddy.” A press release from the Town’s marketing maven Cathy Connelly claims Taos is turning into a haven for scribblers. The fortuitous appearance of retired writer and second homer, Chaucer Henderson shouldn’t be dismissed as chance but confirmed as karma i.e. “The Return to Sacred Places.” Ironically, the protesters may find themselves working for wages as extras in a film financed by the eminence grise behind the local Coop and banking establishment, como El Vendido de Ojo.

As as acequia and electricity activist Jerome Lucero has said on radio, “Reyes is a shrewd operator.” Soon enough, everybody might be working for the Coop—just to pay for their energy and communication.

But who is the real eminence grise?

Somebody asked about the Chicano Barber yesterday. The inspiration for “Juma Ali of Aztlan: The Disappeared Barber” was at work in his El Prado barbershop of love. “I joined the Michael Vick club,” said the Barber. “I don’t have a dog in this fight.” Juma Ali, despite promises of a pardon by both the Bush and Obama administrations, is still confined to the federal witness detention program.

If politics and protest doesn’t pay off for yesterday’s snarling Chihuahuas and growling Rottweilers, they may have a future in the new digital marketplace. Thanks to the new twin powers—Mayor “Boss” Cordova and CEO Rabbit Reyes, the community’s citizens can now jump start new age economic development. There’s always a silver lining in the clouds floating above the Sacred Mountain.

As for the eminence grise or “Boss of Bosses,” he was seen driving toward a financial institution on South Santa Fe Road on April 15. The legendary financier, once a barefoot boy from a rural village, rose to become the Master Puppeteer of El Norte. In emulation of his symbolic name, he rules the world he made but enjoys a joke like Woody Allen and laughs all the way to the bank.

Henderson says academy award winner Ben Kingsley may be cast to play the part in the movie. “The Wizard couldn’t be happier with today’s turn of events,” said the writer. “United we stand, divided we fall.”