Freak Show in Nation’s Capital

By: Bill Whaley
15 November, 2012

If you voted for the incumbent American president, you should be getting your check from the Obama campaign, according to the loser, Mitt Romney. It’s Christmas in November for demos.  But Romney and his supporters, like Karl Rove, apparently out-sourced some of their key voting districts in swing states and somebody forgot to send absentee ballots to all those workers at American companies in China. But everyone, even veteran spies and anti-insurgency experts who have all the intel make mistakes.

General David Petraeus, former wunderkind, who recently resigned as chief CIA spy, apparently made a mistake. Since there’s a news blackout and the FBI doesn’t comment on current investigations, we don’t know the details that involve a Tampa socialite, bulldog FBI agent, two famous generals, and a West Point grad student—she who wrote a hagiography about the “Cointel” pro.

Apparently, veterans of Afghanistan like General Petraeus and Gen. Allen prefer four-star beauties as diversions from the horrors of war. The two careerists may be suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Sexual Deprivation). Even a general needs to get laid, especially one who is not nearly as attractive as Ben Affleck, who plays a CIA agent  in “Argo” or any number of actors, who play James Bond.

In Washington D.C. sex and gossip divert the attention from the aims of the military, the creation of empire or the 24/7 war against terrorists as well as taxpayer pocket picking. Surely, one must ask how a clever man like General Petraeus who lost the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but won the public relations battles and got promoted, suddenly turned dummy when it came to email? Eh?

As a variety of military historians and New York Times’ military correspondents have pointed out, America has not won a war since WWII. The brass managed an ongoing stalemate in Korea and got their asses kicked in Vietnam. (You can’t really call the invasions of Panama and Grenada “wars.”) As for Iraq and Afghanistan it is only a question of time before the generals and politicians declare victory and bring all the troops home, including private contractors.

(And don’t be blaming Private Bradley Manning for the WikiLeaks’ stories about military atrocities and diplomatic faux pas.)

Meanwhile, the American people—except for the 1%–pay the freight for military adventurism that profit military contractors. Obama voters need to lobby the President and force him and the rest to tax the 1%, who benefit from government contracts. We’ve got to get all that money being squirreled away back into circulation.

It’s time to recreate democratic capitalism: level the playing field, redistribute the wealth, and institute a tariff on imports. If we want a self-sustaining economy then we should rebuild Fortress America within our borders, and discount the debt for pennies on the dollar so we can jump-start this economy. Do it the Robin Hood or Taos way: trade and barter, sucker the outsiders, steal from the rich and keep it.

And the President should stop hiring incompetents at the Pentagon and CIA, who lose wars and make the country insecure. The FBI tried to warn the CIA et al about the 9/11 attacks but Bush and his national security team would not listen. The national security state dithered while a dozen Arabs took flying lessons but skipped the part about landing the aircraft. But when it comes to sentimental emails—get outta here. Now the President and the CIA et al did listen to the story about Paula Broadwell, she of the hard body, who was fascinated with Petraeus, a man she called a “physical specimen.”

Emails don’t seem like much of a threat to the country compared to drone attacks on American citizens or loss of civil liberties and right to privacy due to the federal wire tappers. But now General Petraeus, who helped set the “listeners” in motion, knows what we know: nobody is exempt from the neo-Orwellian–Le Carre world. It’s Moscow rules all the time.

Soon, thanks to KCEC Broadband, our data and doings, including the hot and heavy acts in offices at the Complex and Town Hall, will be available for viewing and listening in real time. You don’t hear much about the USAF Ospreys anymore because of the new drones flying over El Prado. The drones are not visible to the naked eye but if you listen acutely you can hear the hum.

We wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true.

A Reader Writes:

The problem (as I see it) with the CIA scandal is the fact that he got caught.  If the
head of the CIA can’t keep a secret, then who can?  I could do a much better job
in the “secret organization.”  In my mind, It is not so much about the deed done, but about  his stupidity.

Talk about the theater of the absurd. Our country is dependent on these groups, CIA, Secret Service, Congress etc etc.  To think that poor Clinton was inpeached for diddling one (of age by the way) woman, is so sad. I find the USA an embarrassment.

This is proof that our education system is failing.  One basic fact should be taught …NEVER PUT ANYTHING IN WRITING, IN TEXTING, ON EMAIL, ON CAMERA, IN MAIL ON TAPE, OR ON FILM..unless you don’t mind the whole world watching. We all couldn’t believe that Romney was caught talking about the 47%..this is much worse.

We, as a country, need to set higher standards for our State Secrets.  We need to not allow idiots as these take charge of anything..let alone our government organizations.

Thanks for letting speak my mind.


Jan Enright