A Writer’s Revision Workshop

By: Bill Whaley
5 January, 2013

Syllabus for English 320: CRN #48168.
(Attention: Former Students: Course may be repeated for credit)

Instructor: William (Bill) Whaley Email: bwhaley@newmex.com
Office: Classroom Office Phone: 776-4115
Office Hours: By appointment Course Credits: 3
Class Meeting Days: Wed. & One Sat. Class Time: 5 PM–8 PM
12-Week Course Begins Feb. 13 Meets Sat. April 27—10 am—3 pm
Class Location: Ledoux St. Term/Semester: Spring 2012

Course Description: A Writer’s Revision Workshop: Study of specific academic, technical and professional genres of fiction and nonfiction. The topic varies, according to student needs. The course focuses on students with intermediate and advanced skills. Students should bring essays, letters, academic papers, and previous drafts of work, nonfiction and fiction, to class.

Course Objectives. In English 320, advanced expository writing, the instructor will discuss fundamental principles of technique, focusing on style, language, and clarity. Students will learn how to develop voice, economy of means, revision and editing skills. The course is designed to teach students how to read published writers and use well-known techniques to improve their own writing skills. Creative nonfiction, technical, and academic writing will be emphasized but fiction writers interested in the art of revision are encouraged to attend. Instructor encourages students to submit multiple drafts for revision purposes.

Textbooks and Supplies.

Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace, by Joseph M. Williams (Longman, New York)
Reading Like a Writer by Francine Prose (HarperCollins Publishers)
Classical Essays TBA. Journal and pen or pencil

Course Requirements. All students will be required to write and revise their own projects, chosen at the beginning of the semester: 80% of grade Quizzes and class participation will count for 20% of grade. Some writing will be done in class. Papers must be printed or emailed.

Grading. Grades will be accorded based on UNM policies.

Attendance. Regular and punctual attendance is required. If the student misses three classes, the student may be dropped.

Accommodation Statement: Accessibility Services (Mesa Vista hall 2021, 277-3506) provides academic support to students who have disabilities. If you think you need alternative accessible formats for undertaking and completing coursework, you should contact this service right away to assure your needs are met in a timely manner. If you need local assistance in contacting Accessibility Services, see the Bachelor and Graduate Programs office.

Academic Integrity. The University of New Mexico believes that academic honesty is a foundational principle for personal and academic development. All University policies regarding academic honesty apply to this courseThe University’s full statement on academic honesty and the consequences for failure to comply is available in the college catalog and in the Pathfinder.

Cell Phones and Technology. Please turn off cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices prior to class. If monitoring an emergency, please notify class and instructor.

Schedule of Assignments: Supplemental assignments TBA

Week One: Feb. 13. Intro: Williams, Lessons 1 & 2
Intro: Prose, Close Reading and Words
Students must submit preliminary proposal

Week Two: Feb. 20. Williams, Lessons 3 & 4
Prose, Sentences and Paragraphs
Submit Final Proposals

Week Three, Feb. 27 Williams, Lessons 5 & 6
. Prose, Narration and Character
Draft 1. for revision due

Week Four, March 6: Williams, Lesson 7
Prose, Dialogue
Draft 2. for revision due

Week Five. March 20th Williams, Lesson 8&9
Prose, Details & Gesture

Draft 3. for revision due

Week Six (March 27): Williams, Lesson 9
Prose, Checkhov & Courage
Workshop Readings
Week Seven (April 3) Williams, Lesson 10
Prose, Books

Week Eight, April 10 Workshop Readings
Week 9, April 17) Williams and Prose Quiz
Draft 1, Revision 2 Due
Workshop Reading and Discussion

Week 10, April 24 Draft 2, Revision 2, Due
Workshop Reading

Week 10, Sat. April 27 (10-3) Student Readings and Discussion

Week 11, May 1 Draft 3, Revision 2, Due
Readings and Discussion

Week 12, May 8 Final Portfolios Due
Readings and Discussions