Astrologess Weekly Update Aug 9 – 15, 2010

By: Johnny
9 August, 2010

By Catherine Kenward
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or call 575.758.4850 to make an appointment.
Monday 08/09 – The Moon is New in 17 degrees of Leo at 9:08 PM.
Venus opposition Jupiter (5:42 PM). There’s a tendency to go power-shopping when Venus lines up with Jupiter but Venus just conjuncted Saturn yesterday so you may end up with something you truly hate later on. Better to opt for a special dinner or a day at the spa if you’re in the mood to splurge.
Venus square Pluto (10:04 PM) is quite emotional and feels everything very intensely, magnifying small slights out of all proportion. Venus/Pluto tends toward feelings of betrayal and grief and may interpret recent events as rejection when they were not meant that way at all. On the other hand, truly grievous hurts can be perpetrated now.
Tuesday 08/10 – This is a low key day. People are moving slowly and motivation seems to have flown out the window due to the Moon’s opposition to Neptune (1:10 PM).
The Moon enters Virgo at 5:01 PM and trines Pluto later this evening (9:51 PM) so the mood is thoughtful and introspective.
Wednesday 08/11 – Its business as usual today, quiet and routine. People get more alert and interesting after work as the Moon moves into a conjunction with Mercury (6:04 PM). Suddenly things get busy, the phone starts ringing and everybody wants to connect.
Thursday 08/12 – The mood is edgy and uptight this afternoon. The Moon moves into Libra at 4:42 PM and triggers the on-going t-square. All this tension is very wearing, nerves are frayed and exhaustion sets in. The Moon opposes accident-prone Uranus (4:46 PM) just at rush hour and then conjuncts Saturn (8:01 PM) so an early bedtime or a nap after dinner is a good idea.
Some will get a burst of energy later tonight when the Moon opposes Jupiter (9:06 PM) and squares Pluto (9:38 PM) but don’t push it too far, people are still very tense and volatile.
Just after sunset look for the Moon’s approaching conjunction to Saturn, Venus and Mars, all clustered together in Libra in the western sky. If visibility is good, this should be spectacular.
Friday 08/13 – Sleep is sound and dreams are tranquil as the Libra Moon conjuncts Venus (2:58 AM) in the wee hours of the morning. But by the time the day gets started things are no longer so peaceful. The Moon conjuncts Mars (7:21 AM) first thing which can be very snappish, even if it is in peace-loving Libra. Anger arises because someone’s emotional or physical needs aren’t being met.
Uranus re-enters Pisces (9:31 PM). Retrograde Uranus will be back in Pisces until March of next year. So if your birthday falls in the last week of Pisces, all the changes aren’t over yet, the wheel is till spinning.
Saturday 08/14 – It’s a pleasant day, not real exciting but nice and restful. A mid afternoon Moon/Neptune trine (2:06 PM) is relaxing and mellow.
The Moon enters Scorpio at 6:26 PM.
It’s quiet for a Saturday night. A Moon/Pluto sextile (11:36 PM) has many opting for a night at home.
Sunday 08/15 – And today is even quieter. The Moon is in Scorpio, a sign that loves its privacy, and there are no major lunar aspects.