Taos County Update

By: Contributor
17 April, 2013

By Commissioner Tom Blankenhorn

Presentations and Update

The Board presented Officer Steve Miera from the Sheriff’s Department, and Manuel Vigil from the Facilities Management Department with the first 2 Employee of the Month Certificates. Each of the men also received 8 hours of complimentary leave. This is a new program designed to reward employees, who are chosen by their peers for their outstanding service.

The Board approved a proclamation in support of the Rocky Mountain Youth Corps, which provides services to the community while training and employing young people. The Corps is currently working on weatherizing low income homes under funding provided by the MFA.

The Board heard an update from Bill Whaley on the progress of the Arts and Artifacts Committee, which has been directed to make recommendations for the inclusion of art in the County Complex. The Board looks forward to forthcoming recommendations and plans for implementation.

Carson Fire Department

By unanimous vote, the Board agreed to purchase a fire truck garage from the Carson Fire Department for $39,000 in order to allow them to qualify as a State recognized Fire Department. The community of Carson has managed to get donations of trucks, equipment, land and volunteer fire fighters, who have received certified training at their own expense in order to provide the community a fire department with first responder capabilities. They lack only a garage to house their fire trucks in order to gain recognition from the State Fire Marshall, which will entitle them to a $52,000 per year share of the fire excise tax for their operating expenses. The Board recognized that the development of the fire department was an admirable community effort with important benefits.

Resolutions and Ordinances

By unanimous vote the Board adopted an ordinance allowing the El Prado Water and Sanitation District to ask their members to vote on the extension of a GRT to maintain their funding. This request comes up every 6 years. The Board also passed a resolution for the publication of a similar ordinance for the Ranchos Water and Sanitation District.

The Planning Department presented a resolution for publication of an ordinance requiring Temporary Use Permits for a long list of activities such as firewood sales, fruit and vegetable sales, and outdoor concerts. These same provisions were included in the land use regulations that were considered and denied in January, 2012, and were some of the more controversial provisions of those regulations. At that time, opponents complained that firewood, vegetable and fruit sales were a local tradition that should not be burdened by the requirements of temporary use permits. The current Board agrees with those objections, and therefore, directed the Planning Department to exclude all but commercial outdoor music events from the required permitting process. The Board agreed with the Planning Department that it would be beneficial to require temporary permits for outdoor concerts because the issuance of such permits assure the promoters that the legality of those events will not be challenged. The ordinance includes a limitation of 3 events per property. The ordinance will be considered for passage at a public hearing on May 7, 2013.

Contract for Joint Planning Departments between Taos County and the Town of Taos

This item produced a long and contentious debate. Under the proposed contract, Deputy Manager, Rick Bellis would perform the duties of the Planning Director for both the Town and the County for a 90 day trial period, and the Town would pay the County half of Mr. Bellis’ income and benefits. The contract was recommended for approval by both the County Manager and Mr. Bellis on the grounds that it would save money for both entities and could provide a framework for future cooperation between the Town and County on economic development and planning issues important to the community. However, the County Attorney recommended disapproval of the contract on the grounds that the County would be liable if Mr. Bellis was, for any reason, unable to perform those duties.

Chairman Barrone and I favored the contract, agreeing with the recommendations of Mr. Archuleta and Mr. Bellis. I suggested that language be included to allow either party to void the contract in the unlikely event that Mr. Bellis was incapacitated during the 90 day period. Commissioners Sanchez and Duran were in no mood to cooperate with the Town and voted against approval regardless of the language. Commissioner Romero abstained on the grounds that he wanted to see final language that could be approved by both the Manager and the County Attorney. I am hopeful that an amended contract will be brought back for approval at the next meeting.

Executive Session

During the executive session, the Legal Department informed the Board that it had filed two separate complaints on behalf of the County, El Prado Water and Sanitation, and the Acequia Madre Del Prado Del Rio Lucero challenging the Town’s annexation. Judge Backus has recused herself from hearing the cases, and it is now in the court of Judge McElroy. The Town’s responses are due within the next 30 days.