Luis Reyes: Movida Maker and Cover-up Artist?

By: Bill Whaley
29 April, 2013

KCEC Election heats up!

Apparently Kit Carson Electric Cooperative CEO Luis Reyes relishes the role of kingmaker. Over the weekend, the celebrated master of the movida held a “secret” Broadband meeting with the residents of El Rito to which he invited Coop President Bobby Ortega but not Trustee Virgil Martinez, the people’s voice. When Virgil questioned Luis about the oversight, Reyes told Virgil, “You called me the devil,” according to Virgil.

Virgil laughed. “He is the devil.” And the devil is in the details.

Trustee Virgil Martinez, who is in a tight race with Trustee Bobby Ortega and challenger Martin Martinez says, “I voted against his (Reyes) raise. Now he wants more than $300,000 a year. He wants puppets on the board.”

Virgil points out that the Coop was “robbed.” Referring to the board and management’s responsibilities, he says, “I’m not educated but I think we need to take care of the money and the money we borrow.”

Virgil  also said, “money won’t replace the arms on that poor guy.” (A Broadband employee lost one arm from the shoulder down and one from the elbow down during an accident at a Coop hot line.) “The problem with Luis is he’s more concerned about making movidas than managing the Coop,” says Virgil.  “I have constituents who have called for tree trimming because of dangerous situations for the power lines. But he ignores them.”

(Editor’s Note: Now folks on the street are referring to the case as  “Las Babes y Los Bandidos.”  Whose Babes are they? The Runaway Bride’s? We’re only asking.) 

Sign Man Questions Cover-up

Luis: I’m concerned by your failure to contact me regarding two inquiries I’ve made over the last two weeks:

— I asked KCE PR guy Steve Fuhlendorf this week about your parking lot robbery almost two weeks ago.

— On April 17 I asked Steve about figures related to KCE radio and newspaper advertising over the last three years.

On both occasions Steve said that only you could answer my questions. You have chosen to not respond.

I, like so many others, am especially concerned about the robbery details. The media has hushed up this story, even though tips from ordinary citizens to the police solve so many crimes. I’m certain that much information related to the $210,000 heist could be disclosed and discussed in the media without compromising the investigation. In fact, maybe suspects would already be jailed if the public had been informed and involved, especially if the video recordings were released. I would venture that with a rumored $100,000 in cash being part of the take, this is the largest robbery in the history of Taos County.

The Taos News ran a very brief and very well hidden robbery article in their April 18 edition, and nothing this week. I have not heard DMC radio mention the robbery. It is well known that KCE advertises heavily, and it seems that you control the news content, even though this is a huge crime that is hurting virtually every family in Taos County.

Some think that this potentially embarrassing incident to you as CEO is being hushed up to protect you, and the KCE board members who are up for election over the next 17 days. It is well understood that you control three of the four incumbents [running for re-election], meaning your missteps are their missteps.

Any fair-minded person looking at this case can only conclude that keeping this story out of the media is done to protect the “insiders” to the detriment of Coop members/owners.

I ask that you put aside your own self-interest and turn to the media to help solve this crime. Any information you pass to me will be widely distributed.


Coop member
Jeff Northrup 770-7555

Luis’s Reply

Good Evening Jeff,Thanks for your interest in Kit Carson Electric issues.
As the self proclaimed wise man and town crier of the Town of Taos and Taos County
one should take his own advice and guidance, need information, call Amos.

Prince Luis

(P.S.from Editor: Hey, Luis, are you saying "Amos" is a person of interest
or the secret behind the throne? We're only asking.)