Taos Poetry & Portraits

By: Contributor
30 May, 2013

“I was hoping you’d do me a big favor? Would you mind sharing The Taos Poetry Festival?. It’ll be a huge help. Our goal is to fill up the TCA on Saturday night and get a big turnout for the Friday $1000 prize Poetry Slam at Taos Mesa Brewery. Twww.taospoetryfestival.com, ” Best, Navé

Full Schedule of Events

Thursday, May 30: Youth Poetry, Harwood Museum

12-1:00: Gather, Check-in, Connect

1:00-3:00: Workshop by Suzi Q – Free Admission

3:00-4:00: Open Art Time – Free Admission

4:00-5:30: Poets’ Living Room at SOMOS hosted by Annie McNaughton – Free Admission

6:30-7:00: Team check in for evening Evening Poetry Slam

6:00-9:30 Evening Poetry Slam: Youth Poetry Slam – $5.00

Friday May 31

9:30-10:30: Poetry Salon at Geraint Smith Gallery – Free Admission

1:00-2:00: Poetry Workshop: Taos Mesa Brewery – $10.00, Free admission for youth

2:00-4:30: Independent Student Slam: Taos Mesa Brewery

4:30-6:30: Poets’ Living Room: Taos Mesa Brewery hosted by Annie McNaughton – Free Admission

7:00-10:00: Adult Poetry Slam: Taos Mesa Brewery – $10.00

Saturday, June 1

9:30-10:30: Poetry Salon at Gerainth Smith Gallery – Free Admission

12:30-3:30: Workshop with Carlos Andrés Gómez – $15.00, at TCA Free Admission for youth

4:00-5:30: Poets’ Living Room hosted by Annie McNaughton – at TCA Free Admission

7:00-9:30: TCA Evening Show Featuring Dora E McQuaid and Carlos Andrés Gómez

Taos Portraits


Dear Friends,

Please join us at “One Last Event,” the one-year anniversary of the Taos Portraits book project, a book signing at Moby Dickens, Sunday, June 2nd from 2-4 PM.

As part of the festivities, I’m asking everyone to autograph a limited edition, including artists and writers. This special copy will then be donated to the Harwood Museum.  If you are in the book, please stop by and “sign in.” We shall leave the book available for signing until…

We have a limited number of books left and will raise the price on June 3rd to $100.  We should be sold out by the years end!

Taos Portraits could not have happened without the generous support of so many people—donors, supporters, artists, and writers. Thanks for making the last year so incredible.

I look forward to seeing you at Moby Dickens.

