Private White House Messages Released

By: Bill Whaley
16 June, 2013

Apparently, Mr. Edward Snowden, who blew the whistle on NSA’s 24/7 monitoring program of worldwide communication and  said, “ “I, sitting at my desk, had the authority to wiretap anyone, from you or your accountant to a federal judge to even the president, if I had a personal email,” wasn’t blowing digitized bytes by your computer-Internet connection. Below, the Friction reproduces private messages released by  “Hong Kong Hackers,” an international outlaw group, who live in the fabled gateway to greater China.

Meanwhile, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reports that Snowden’s announcement was no surprise to America’s enemies. “Unlike many Americans, the Taliban said “We knew about their past efforts to trace our system,” Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said. “We have used our technical resources to foil their efforts and have been able to stop them from succeeding so far.”

America’s enemies and friends—except for pundits in The New York mainstream media—Toobin, Friedman, and Brooks—who also believed the Bush Administration’s claims about WMD in Iraq, are “shocked, shocked” to discover how the government listens in on private conversations, opens mail, or spies on citizens, a practice the survivors of the American sixties all remember. Anti-war meetings, community acid tests, and Black Panther breakfasts frequently began back in the day with the chair’s announcement: “Okay, who is the undercover agent? Please identify yourself or nod in his or her direction. Thank-you. Welcome to our meeting.”

In messages intercepted and published today, according to SCMP, a transcript reveals tension at the White House over Obamacare:

Michelle: She saw you sneaking into the washroom to grab a smoke.

Barack: Tell her I was having a private conversation about Syria.

Michelle: You can’t hide behind NS and lie to your daughter. You promised to quit.

Barack: Why wasn’t she in school?

Michelle: Don’t try to change the subject. She’s on summer vacation. You promised her full access to her Dad, the week of Father’s Day.

Barack: Okay, I forgot.

Michelle: Did you forget your promise not to smoke?

Barack: That’s classified.

Michelle: You can fool the Congress or the American people. Don’t try that crap with me.

Barack: Tell her I’m sorry.

Michelle: No, you tell her. You’re the father. It’s Father’s Day.

The Hong Kong news media claim more private messages will be released during the days to come, including revelations about Congressional leaders and their liaisons with industry and extracurricular activities. The SCMP claims revelations about the Petraeus extra-marital affair had less to do with a catfight and more to do with “penis envy” among big-wig IT gurus, who didn’t like the general’s swagger. Apparently, several Hollywood studios have opened offices in the Gateway to the Orient, where they hope to buy and film the Snowden story.