Sign Man: Listening and Watching Crime Wave

By: Bill Whaley
24 June, 2013

“Even if you’re not doing anything wrong, you’re being watched and recorded.” – Edward Snowden


From: Jeff Northrup 

Subject: Re: Two more days of stolen signs– who cares! Today four more stolen.
Date: June 23, 2013 8:57:02 PM MDT

To: Oscar Rodriguez

Cc: Kenneth Koch, Jerry Hogrefe, Michael Collins, John Wentz, Brian James, Chris Baker, Joan-TaosNewsEditor, JR Logan, Matt Van Buren, Rudy Abeyta, Andrew T. Gonzales, Erlinda Gonzales, Fred Peralta, Michael Silva,, Michael Dean

I’m so happy that you see this violence against me as amusing. The longer the crooked politicians and their compliant police force continue to support lawlessness against me and the US Constitution, the worse the situation will become, and the more likely I will be hurt, my friends/family/employees will be hurt, and harm will come to our business and residences.

Today I had four of my 14 signs and step stools stolen. A witness to the theft of at least one sign followed the thief to a spot on Ranchitos Rd., providing the Taos 911 dispatch (which was on the line as he followed the perps for three miles) with a vehicle tag, physical description of the two perps, the address on Ranchitos Rd., where they hid my stolen sign, along with other compelling information. It is now five hours since the incident, and the cops have failed to contact Mr. Leigh (a brave citizen who is willing to be out front with his identity) for an interview.

During the same 15 or so minute period, the other two or three signs were stolen. I got a good look at the vehicle, as did at least one other witness. Three people, each an eye witness, believe [allege] the thief to be one of Mayor Cordova’s [description withheld].

The Taos police saw a vehicle matching the description (blue Jeep, no top or driver’s side door) within a few minutes of responding to my 911 call at the Baskin-Robbins ice cream shop, but left. as they did not see the mayor’s [withheld]— I believe they failed to question anyone, or obtain a vehicle license number. (I spotted a [name withheld] stealing one of my signs– the exact place one was taken today– a few years ago; I contacted the mayor via text message, and he went into a fanatical defense mode– I dropped the issue, as back then I took the abuse without calling the cops).

Chief Koch is offended that I have referred to the Taos Police force as being Darren’s Nazi police. Maybe I’ve been too kind, too understated. Now that Koch sees how the system works here, Nazi might be considered complimentary.

So Oscar, giggle on, have fun. I told you at our first or second encounter over a year ago that you could survive in Town Hall if you gave up your dignity, your honor. Daniel Miera, your predecessor, went along with the program for a few years, but then refused to cower to illegal wishes of Mayor Cordova, and became the victim of unbelievable personal attacks by mayor Cordova and his favorite hysterical dumbbell toady, Rudy Abeyta. He was forced to leave, but with a great severance package, and his dignity— you should be so lucky.

Jeff Northrup

On 6/23/2013 11:33 AM, Oscar Rodriguez wrote:

My theory is that everybody in Taos is throwing away your signs. It does appear to be a wave, as you say. Now if we can just mobilize it to pick up litter too.