To: Taos Police Lt. David Maggio

By: Contributor
12 July, 2013

(Editor’s Note: Slightly edited for posting)

Last Sunday, at about 12:15 pm, I began setting up 16 picket signs/step stools in my customary spots, hundreds of yards on either side of the new county complex, both sides of the street. By 4:40 pm, I had three picket signs and eight step stools remaining; the rest had been stolen in four separate incidents.

Taos Officer Garcia eventually responded to my first 911 call, shortly after 1:00 pm. He explained that he’d been told that no police/incident report was to be taken from me unless I was within 25 feet of the property when it was stolen. This was not the first time I’d heard of this “25 foot” rule from a Taos cop since the new sign code went into effect several weeks ago. The sign code mentions nothing about distance, 25 feet or otherwise. Nonetheless, Garcia was firm in sticking to this policy, and I believe he mentioned you as the one who is passing on this guideline to all Taos cops.

I’m in the dark about two of the four incidents, but have pretty strong evidence on the other two, two that resulted in seven signs and seven step stools stolen. Similarly, I have information on many other incidents of my picketing property being stolen since this reign of vigilante terror began against me on the weekend of March 2-3, 2013. I would estimate that there have been well over a dozen incidents since that time.

The last time the police were actually interested was on that weekend when Amos Cohn and his two cohorts were cited for larceny by Taos police officer Ron Montez, charges that were quickly, and I believe inappropriately, withdrawn by town attorney Brian James and Municipal Court judge Dickie Chavez. I feel that Mr. Cohn assaulted me with his truck that weekend, and District Attorney Donald Gallegos has recommended that the town press charges against Mr. Cohn related to that attack. It’s not likely that will happen.

Among those who have stolen my signs is one of Mayor Cordova’s children, Evan Cordova. He looked me right in the eye as a passenger in a Jeep that drove past me as I was picketing on June 23– within 15 seconds, me never taking my eyes off that vehicle. The Jeep stopped in front of Dimond Mortgage, Evan jumped out, snatched a sign/stool, and drove off. I quickly gave a Taos cop a description of the vehicle and perpetrator. But, as always, nothing was to happen.

That same day a motorist saw two young men steal a sign/stool of mine, and this gentlemen followed these two for several miles, to a home on Ranchitos Road, talking with 911 during the incident. The Cops, again, were not interested.

And so it goes, with one larceny incident after another. Despite the policy of the Taos police department, which encourages this vigilante activity by failing to follow up on these crimes, I continue to buy more supplies and equipment. I consider these incidents to be attacks on me as well as my property. And that’s why a pair of my signs say… “Darren Turns 25 Good Cops…. Into 25 criminals.” Your department is aiding and abetting the criminal behavior of Cohn and his cohorts, Evan Cordova, and others who feel free, righteous and proud to steal my property (see an interview I had with Amos on July 7).

As you know, my friends/family/supporters worry for my personal safety, and the safety of my property, and the property of others. A few days ago I found one of the two, eight foot tall rabbits in front of Jack-Wrap-It laying on the ground– the wind did not do this. But your department ignores all attacks against me and my exercise of my Constitutional rights. I vowed a few months ago to lay low, and not further provoke those who are upset with my political picketing–but, hard as I tried, I guess I’m incapable of standing by and watching political corruption thrive without comment.

I ask you to suspend your 25 foot rule, and begin to respond to my calls for help, and enforce the laws of larceny. You and each of your officers have sworn to uphold the US Constitution, the NM Constitution and the laws of the town of Taos. It’s time you ignore political influence/pressure by a corrupt Taos government. You and all Taos cops must honor their oath.

Always your friend,

Jeff Northrup 770-7555