Query for Luis

By: Contributor
5 August, 2013

 (Cruz Alta) Sources say the April robbers—estimated take of $210,000—have been busted but partially. John Doe has been arrested and Jane Doe is the object of a target by a grand jury. The other Jane and John are “persons of interest.” Some say the duo was seen buying flat screen TVs at Super Walmart in Espanola and paid off a security guard and deputy sheriff, who got suspicious when they saw the bank bag full of cash. Quien sabe?

To: Luis Reyes, CEO, Kit Carson Electric Coop: August 3, 2013

Luis: I’d like to address a few issues, and look forward to your response. As you may know, through Southside Copies, I’m a member/owner of KCEC.

Three months ago I asked you for a rundown of print and radio expenditures on advertising (covering all ads, be they informational, public service, selling product, whatever) for the years 2010 thru 2012 by KCEC. You promised a response within 10 days. I’m still waiting.

I believe that our Coop has a very sophisticated GPS system which will be made available to the E-911 operation at the Regional Command Center(RCC). The existence and availability of this public safety tool is not mentioned in the Town of Taos/RCC lease, but I understand it will be provided at no cost to the town, which is very generous of the Coop.

It seems the county will establish its own E-911 operation; will KCEC make this GPS available to the county at no cost? If there is a cost, how much will this be, and when will it be available?

You did an over-the-phone interview on KVOT radio “Breakfast with Nancy” three weeks ago. I called and asked you about the projected cost to the town at the RCC for the common areas, and you said that the town would have “no costs for the common areas.”

But the lease for the RCC was signed by both sides on July 1, 2013, just a week before you answered my radio question. On page 4, Section 10B, the lease notes that the “Town of Taos shall reimburse KCEC its Prorated Share of all Common Area costs and expenses as Additional Rent.” Section 8 also calls for, among other costs, the town to pay for “security and janitorial services;” I assume that the common areas assessments are also included here.

I’ve questioned this common areas issue several times in the past but I’ve never gotten a definitive answer, it turns out. The July 1 lease mentions that “Exhibit C, Common Areas” is included as part of the lease, as an attachment. But the town confirmed to me that Exhibit C has yet to be made available to the town. Thus, the town and citizens have no idea of what percentage of this 9,050 square foot building will be labeled as common area, an unknown additional expense to the town.

Nor is it clear if outside areas– such as gates, fences, parking areas, access roads/driveways, etc– will be considered as common areas, thus another town expense.

You acknowledged at a town council meeting about two years ago that the cost of electricity on the town’s 2500 square feet would be an incredible $1000 per month. You did not mention other expenses– solid waste, water, sewer, property taxes, assessments, etc. (And it was another year before you mentioned the cost of rent, I recall). It is my understanding that the building has*totally inadequate insulation* probably a result of money saving moves by you.

Does the $1000 estimate take into account this serious insulation situation? Given that you’ve now been in the building for over three years, do you have reason to still believe that $1000 is an accurate estimate?

The town likes to circulate a monthly rental cost of $2778; would it be fair to say that with all costs included, it could well cost the town twice that amount, say $5600 monthly, to occupy the RCC?

Luis, I would very much appreciate truthful answers to all the issues mentioned above. I’ve heard we pay Steve Fuhlendorf over $90,000 per year to head the KCEC Public Information Office. If you don’t have the time or knowledge to respond to this letter, I ask that Steve be directed to answer these inquiries, and within a short period, such as a week. I further ask that the answers be provided to all on this email list, not just me. And I’m encouraging KCEC to release the information
requested as it is developed and becomes available.

I thank you for your time and effort. And, again, I wish to have truthful and full answers, with no deception, nor hiding any of the information I’m seeking.

Your friend, Jeff Northrup 770-7555