Astrologess Weekly Update Aug 5 – 11, 2013

By: Contributor
7 August, 2013

By Catherine Kenward @

Monday 8/05 – Moon moves into Leo at 10:58 AM. It’s a relatively quiet day. The Moon squares Saturn tonight (9:54 PM) so the mood is somber and somewhat depressing.

Tuesday 08/06 – The Moon is New in Leo at 3:51 PM. The New Moon is naturally a quiet, contemplative time. With the Sun and Moon both in Leo now people are in a happy, friendly mood. The New Moon trines Uranus so innovation is favored. Try a new approach.

Wednesday 08/07 – Jupiter opposition Pluto (5:34 PM) indicates power politics and power plays. People and governments don’t hesitate to use strong-arm tactics to get their way. Do you feel like you’re being manipulated? You probably are. (Editor’s Bold!)

Thursday 08/08 – Mercury enters Leo (6:13 AM) so a cheerful, outgoing frame of mind predominates in the coming month.
The day is relatively quiet, serious and businesslike. Things perk up later this afternoon when the Moon sextiles Jupiter (4:30 PM). Time to relax and enjoy a pleasant evening. The Moon moves into Virgo at 9:57 PM.

Friday 08/09 – It’s a lovely day. The morning hours are energized by a Moon/Mars sextile (8:32 AM). Get started early to take advantage of the momentum. This afternoon the Moon conjuncts Venus (4:05 PM) so an affectionate, supportive mood brings out the best in us. Take time to enjoy the ones you love. Do something special. Look for this lovely conjunction low in the west just after sunset.

Saturday 08/10 – The Moon moves into Libra at 7:08 AM. This afternoon people are ready to communicate. Visit or catch up on phone calls as the Moon sextiles Mercury (2:53 PM). Tonight people crave a little quiet time. For a Saturday night the mood is very subdued.

Sunday 08/11 – Mercury square Saturn (12:05 PM) is a depressing aspect that often brings some type of bad news or disappointment. It’s hard to communicate. People aren’t expressing themselves very well right now and may be reluctant to respond at all. This is not a good time to ask for favors or make requests because the answer will probably be “No”. Better save that heart-to-heart for another day. Things will go so much better in a few days and your outlook may be quite different by then.

All times are Mountain Daylight Time (MDT). Add two hours for EDT.

If you would like to schedule a reading call me,
Catherine Kenward at 575-758-4850
Or email me at