Blankenhorn Report

By: Contributor
19 December, 2013

(From the desk of Commissioner Tom Blankenhorn)

Regular Meeting: December 17, 2013


Adult Learning Center

The Adult Learning Center is a non-profit which operates as a subsidiary of UNM Taos. They provide GED, literacy and life skill courses to over 200 adults each year, and their success rate for students passing the GED accounted for 28% of all Taos high school graduates last year. They have been recognized by the State as one of New Mexico’s best achieving programs and they do it all on a budget of approximately $250,000 per year. They are requesting $16,500 from the County to pay for one additional instructor. They also requested a contract for $20,000 to help educate our inmates.

Adult literacy and education have far reaching positive effects on individuals and their families. Educated adults are more employable with higher paying jobs, less likely to be incarcerated, and statistics bear out that they are also less likely to have long term health issues. The Board recognizes that our community is fortunate to have such an asset, and directed staff to consider this item in our mid-year budget review in January.

A Topical History of Taos

The Board held a reception for the authors and editors of a new book of Taos history, a Topical History of Taos. It is a wide ranging compilation of Taos facts and stories from a variety of authors and perspectives. A very well written treasure.


Current Budget

The Finance Director presented figures detailing the dispatch operating budget for the last several years. The average contribution from the Town and the County during those years was approximately $290,000 from each entity. Those contributions exceeded actual costs and as a result a $225,000 reserve was built up. The Town used about one half of that reserve to move dispatch into the Kit Carson building. The Town is currently requesting that the County increase its contribution to $371,000 per year, but the County has not agreed to that increase.

Future Plans

Staff presented a plan to set up a 911/dispatch center on the second story of the Judicial Complex above the jail where the Sheriff’s Department currently has its offices. The Sheriff has agreed to move to the old planning building where staff had previously proposed that we set up a 911/dispatch center. The cost to create the new dispatch center is estimated at 1.4 million dollars with possible savings of up to $500,000 depending on design decisions, and whether or not the Town would agree to contribute equipment, which is currently housed at the Kit Carson building.

The cost to bring the Kit Carson building to similar standards as the proposed County facility is approximately $600,000. This is my estimate based on discussions with sales representatives and staff. Staff does not formerly present the Board with any estimates on the Kit Carson alternative because of a 3-2 vote months ago which gave staff direction to “move ahead with establishing our own dispatch center”.

There are advantages to the County’s proposal because the building is owned by the County, and therefore, under its control and rent free. Also, the location of the proposed facility on our Judicial Center campus would allow an emergency team to utilize all of the Judicial Center functions such as the Board Room and kitchen facilities. Supervision would also be more efficient.

The Board voted 4-0 to move ahead with plans to develop the new center, including making written offers to the Town, Forest Service, Questa and the Taos Ski Valley to commit to join the new center. The written offers are to include details for capital expenditures, operating budgets, and governance. The Board will review the offers at its next regular meeting.