Indian Lou Memorial Scheduled Thursday Night, Oct. 2, at “Mural Room”

By: Bill Whaley
30 September, 2014

Justicia1Dear Friends,

Our old friend, Indian Lou, got run down in the street on Paseo del Pueblo Sur (Tuesday, Sept. 23rd). Wagner called me, “I’ve got something to tell you.” Then he said, “That wasn’t just some guy, that was Indian Lou.” (The name Louis Meshekey, 77, came out later.) We don’t know what Lou was doing out in the street.

But like Huevo Dave and Dick Gordon before him, Lou died as he lived, you might say, crossing the street or standing out there. We saw him about ten days ago on the back steps of the Old County Courthouse up at the Mural Room. I hadn’t seen him for a while and hardly recognized the white-gray-haired man until he got up close and asked me for $5. I didn’t have it.

But we all have a special place in our hearts for “Parking Lot Lou,” who guarded the east side of El Patio/The Alley Cantina at the McCarthy Parking lot next to the Dunn House metered lot. Lou constructed his painted plastic condominium and lived there off and on over the years. He was an uncommon critic at Gallery openings, more interested in the quality of the food and beverage presentation than the art.

A number of you were present at the Mark Tribe Memorial at the Library in the Taos Inn a few years ago. We had an impromptu ceremony for our old friend, cranberry bogger, and bass player. I don’t know Lou’s relatives and all his friends but invite ‘em. He used to wear a fatigue jacket and was reported to be a Vietnam Vet from Detroit.

Let’s do it up right for Lou thursday night, Oct. 2, about 6:30 pm. I’ll open the back door of the Mural Room and we’ll say a few words beneath the Historic Frescoes next to the Historic Photos for Indian Lou.

Bill Whaley
