Taos 2014: the Year that Was!

By: Bill Whaley
31 December, 2014

No. 1. Story (a tie): Taos Muni Elections

Despite attacks by Mayor Darren Cordova’s broadcasters and their vitriolic factotums, who slimed the candidates and supporters on the Mayor’s DMC radio stations during the 2014 muni elections in Taos, the challenger, Mr. Work Gloves, Dan Barrone, and candidates Fritz Hahn and Judi Cantu ran away from corruption and won the municipal election in what will be long remembered as an old-fashioned “ass whooping.” The former mayor laid off his shock jock (who we hear laid off her wife) and the sometime entertainer also closed his restaurant. Councilor Rudy Walmart was never heard of or seen again except for when Alex appeared and was taken for his twin brother.

The new administration cleaned up the streets, watered the flowers, lit up the Plaza and threw several community parties to celebrate the return to sanity. As for changes in promotion, planning, animal and cultural issues, well, plus ca change, plus ca meme chose, as the French (not the public works director) say: the more things change, the more they stay the same. But an improving economy and a wily billionaire at TSV have got folks smiling.

As for the airport, quien sabe, mis amigos, quien sabe? Can you say “appeal” process alive and well.

No. 1. Story (a tie) DA Hometown Subpoenas

PaternosterIn a normal year, the NM Supremo’s Disciplinary Board’s charges and list of some 100 violations denoting professional misconduct by DA Donald Gallegos and DDA Emilio Chavez should win the No. 1 Story award. But the story is far from finished about the dynamic duo and their NSA-like aspirations: issuing hometown subpoenas for the metadata on phone records, sans court or grand jury permission, in an effort to corner fleeing bank robbers. By the time the Appeals Court rules on Judge Paternoster’s decision to quash evidence in the $200,000 daytime robbery of the KCEC and the D’Board issues recommendations re: professional misconduct in Feb. or March, we shall be well into looking at the Oscar for “Best Scandal” in 2015.

Recently, the DDA Chavez buttressed his credentials for an Oscar by getting fined almost a $1000 bucks for more misfiring at the DA’s office where he confused the  “meum” and “tuum” of police investigations and prosecutorial duties. Judge Paternoster characterized the DDA’s actions as akin to that of a “police state.” While the good judge worries about the integrity of the judicial system, the DA and DDA continue to “practice law.”

Why aren’t these guys on administrative leave?

Even as the alleged KCEC bank robbers appear to be escaping, the DA and District Court seem to be confusing federal and state jurisdiction re: probable cause matters in the alleged drug bust of the “Plumber’s Mansion/Crack Case”: a case where there are no drugs, guns, or money taken in as evidence but plenty of “gossip” re: plumbing equipment and car parts.  They got phone records and bank records only. Then there’s the Black Van Woman’s escape from White Cop Battering on the Window Pane with Baton. The DA blew the first round but got a reprieve for a second go-round.

Call the Taos DA “Made in New Mexico.”

No. 2 Story: the County Tortoise

Slow and steady at the County Complex was the name of the game in 2014. After electing 8-year Commissioner Barrone the Town Mayor and sending over a bevy of former county employees to assist in the necessary take-over of Town Hall, the commissioners forged ahead and created a new state of the art E911 facility. They followed through on their support for the airport, once plans, per directives, were dropped to annex the historic village of El Prado and points west along Highway 64.

It was politics at its best.

Further, Commissioners awarded a major outdoor sculpture project to Taos Pueblo’s John Suazo, accepted an iconic Egri sculpture for the parking lot, and supported the exhibition of WPA/New Deal photos at the Historic County Courthouse during Fall Arts.  Subsequently the County  transferred and will soon augment and expand the historic photo collection at the Complex and among surrounding community centers. (While the Town talks about “Red Willow” cultural issues, the County acts.)

In other words, this ain’t your grandmothers’ county government or even the first decade’s legendary trio, who made Las Brujas both necessary and famous. (We’ll love you Becky, Virgil, Red for a “lifetime.”)

At the Complex today we got a mix of governors. In the Chicano Barber’s  words (Juma: RIP) we’ve got two native Chicanos (Gallegos and Romero), two gringos, including a WOMAN! (Blankenhorn and O’Donnell) and what we one might characterize as a “chonky” or Chicano-honky to the manor born (Fambro).

Welcome to the multicultural county commission. Who’d a thunk it?

Special Award: Of Bill Baron, excellent cartoonist at the Taos weekly, I want to make special mention. Not only does he often get it right even as his editors and publishers torture the thought processes with errant endorsements but fabulous Bill depicted (however accidentally) the legendary “Flavio” in the blue uniform (as I remember) of an observant custodian at Town Hall while inserting insightful illustration and commentary into a recent issue. Bravo Baron!

The Shadow Knows and so does Flavio! Prospero Año.