Cantu Pleads for Peace, Open Policy Discussions, and a Resignation

By: Contributor
31 January, 2015

From the Desk of Councilor Judi Cantu

Tuesday Town of Taos Council Meeting

January 27, 2015


I find it necessary to assure it be on public record, that I object to how the Open Public Meeting of January 16th was directed. Protocol, should have been strictly adhered to, and not scripted.


The Sunshine Act is a United States law passed in 1976 that affects the operations of the federal government, and other legally constituted federal bodies.


Sunshine law is the principle to guide Open Meetings.


Sunshine law is law to help achieve a democratic ideal.


Sunshine law is based on the foundational aim to keep the public well informed.


According to the New Mexico Open Meetings Act, Chapter 10, Article 15, Section 3(B), it is the New Mexico Attorney General who is authorized to enforce its provisions. This is how fundamental this prudent law is to the integrity of the entire Democratic process.


A violation to the New Mexico Open Meetings Act occurred on the evening of January 16, 2015, here in this precious community so many of us so whole heartedly call home. It is unacceptable! An Open Meeting is an inappropriate place to stage a lynching. Open meetings are to ensure the public be well informed, not for fiascos. All personnel matters are to be kept confidential.


In order for change to occur, the one change most needed, is that the political system becomes a body of policy makers who will commit to the sanctity of their position of their office and their obligation to the people. True transparency and accountability can best assure that elected officials are accountable by strict adherence to the law.


The message at this point in time, is a message being systematically imposed upon the public. This message is as shady as the Town of Taos header on the town website that has declared “YOUR 24 HOUR CITY HALL.” Is this subconscious public disclosure being done unintentionally? Done in capitals with a shadow drop font that is hard to read.


Council hasn’t been able to function in full capacity because we as a cohesive unit, haven’t been allowed to function as a team. Too much secretiveness is going on, and too many actions are questionable.


The frustration within, has been imposed as the same frustration without. The ploys upon council have now become the ploys upon the public. What is going on is an abuse of power that is as shady as that shadow box on the town website header. This is an offense to the entire office and the policies that we have been sworn by oath to uphold. This is an offense upon the entire council and as of now, it flows out invasively upon the public.


It is critical that public officials act with the highest integrity. I am making a plea that everyone should please cease your swords.


The mind of this entire community is being shanghaied by an untruth. There was never a war, and doing the right thing shouldn’t be so hard to do. Good government cannot and should not molest the minds of the people.



Council hasn’t been able to function in full capacity. There is a resistance to treat those who were elected before to be treated as viable. This vulgarity is kidnapping the viability of the council to be able to function as a team. The town is not being managed as prescribed by law. Everyone was elected to work to create and ensure well and good policy standards. Instead, as proven by the last Open Meeting, the protocol of the law was discarded in the favor of a staging.


I know that Rick Bellis was not elected in. As a counselor, I cannot approve of the hierarchy of Mayor Bellis, Pro-tem Barrone, to work to hoodwink the public through the political process. The public is being misled to believe a fiction and someone is working very hard (at least 24 hours a day according to the website) to assure that the public believe we are at war. This smoke and mirror charade tactic is misleading and assures that the public remain uninformed.


Council must enforce the sanctity of our community. It is what we have been sworn into to do.


Therefore, I request that the right thing be done, and you be man enough Mr. Bellis, to honorably step down from your position.