It’s a Plane, It’s a Train, It’s Superman…

By: Bill Whaley
9 February, 2015


Rick-BellisFrom Kit Carson to Arthur Manby to Rick Bellis!

The White Buffalo Invokes His “Linkedin” CV

It is rare for a community to find a virtual saint, the proverbial man on the white horse, a man with a spit and polish bio, who, truth be known, has already saved the community (town and county) numerous times, sitting up there on the dais. Read the CV and weep, Taosenos.

MacyLong.-2The “CV” below suggests its writer is a richly imaginative man. The documentation signifies a man determined, not unlike his twin, William Macy (separated at birth) the car salesman from Fargo. All this or any man needs is a bag of asphalt and concrete mix for Dan, a new sign on the park for Fritz, and a wood chipper for Judi.

By golly, after saving the Town from the plague of potholes, the Biblical locusts and grasshoppers of old, will he be able to save himself from calls for his resignation? We’re only asking.

A Reader comments: “Richard Em-bellis (h)-ment.” 

BellisRichard P. Bellis, City Manager
Taos, New Mexico Government Administration
Current: Town of Taos
Previous: Taos County, Archuleta County, CO, Rural Development Corporation
North Dakota State University


A multi-talented, innovative and results-driven professional and workhorse with an extremely diverse range of hands-on managerial, technical and real-world leadership experience at all levels and throughout all components of county, municipal and regional government, as well as in the non-profit and business sector.

Known externally for high levels of community involvement and commitment, effective community outreach, transparency, integrity, and developing inter-governmental and public-private partnerships through coalition and consensus building on contentious high profile issues. 

Known internally as a natural leader at all levels of the organizational strata, with management and employees alike, that excels both in a crises and as a high performing corporate trouble shooter who is typically assigned and resolves the most challenging financial, personnel, service delivery, organizational and public relations issues.

Highly adaptable and able to fill any role, and often multiple key management functions simultaneously within the organizational hierarchy.


Town Manager
Town of Taos
March 2014 – Present (1 year) Taos, New Mexico

Administrative oversight of a full service municipality with police, fire, public transit, parks and recreation, and regional airport, sewer, water, library, E-911 emergency dispatch and landfill operations. Oversee 190 full-time employees. Currently, also responsible for budgeting, union negotiations, tourism, marketing, business and economic development.

Created a $300,000 local Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) and Community Needs Assessment (CNA) process to identify and rank social and community needs, recruit providers and award funding based on objective criteria.

Created a similar $100,000 local Economic Development Incentive Block Grant (EDIBG) to promote events and projects that create economic stimulus through job creation, tourism, business retention and attraction, workforce improvement and improved infrastructure.

Created and implemented such tourism and community events as Dennis Hopper Day, the Taos Famers Market on the Historic Plaza, revitalization of the Old County Courthouse as an historic music venue, lecture hall and business assistance center, and co-promoted a free “Concerts on the Plaza” series, beginning with “the Kongo’s” on Sept. 23rd, 2014.

Simultaneously served as Director of Planning, Community and Economic Development during the restructuring of the department. Oversee Town events, marketing and tourism.

Deputy County Manager
Taos County

May 2010 – March 2014 (3 years 11 months)Taos County

Served as Department Manager for the Planning, Building, Community Development and Housing Departments of the County as well as other departments and programs as needed.

Oversaw the Office of Emergency Management and County Fire Chief, as well as the design and development of a 1.4 million dollar regional E-911/Combined Dispatch and Emergency Management Command Center for county, municipal and federal emergency services, including BLM and the USFS. Coordinated the re-opening and restoration of the historic Old County Courthouse, a national landmark, on the historic Taos Plaza as a business incubator, tourism and economic development center.

Charged with assisting the transition of all departments to the $56,000,0000 new county judicial complex, detention center and administrative complex. Responsible for delivery of a new set of County Land Use Regulations and community developed neighborhood plans for 9 unique areas of Taos County. Generated monthly economic projections and served as liaison to the Chamber of Commerce and other community organizations.

Coordinated the development of the County’s 2011 and 2012 budgets. Was responsible for constituent inquiries and complaints for the County and the County Commissioners.

Participated on various task-forces and work groups with department heads and community-wide committees, including the proposed development of a regional recycling center and coordinating the closure of 3 prior landfillsites. Constructed an agreement for the County to assume Building Department, GIS and addressing responsibilities for the Town of Taos and eventually the Village of


Director of Planning, Community and Economic Development
Taos County

May 2010 – March 2014 (3 years 11 months)105 Albright St, Taos NM

While serving as Deputy County Manager with Taos County, NM, I also simultaneously served as Director of Planning and Building, and later as Director of the combined departments of Planning, Building, Housing, and Community Development. As such, in addition to my duties in the overall administration of the County, I additionally oversaw all functions of county planning, as well as planning and building for the municipality of Questa.

Directed all county economic development programs, including the Main Street District and Arts and Cultural District for the municipality of Taos. Administered and restructured the county Community Development and Housing departments. Rebuilt the County Building Department and provided Building Dept. services for the Town of Taos, as required. Was responsible for the development and implementation of a new set of county land use regulations and the development and approval of neighborhood zoning overlays for 11 diverse communities. Reinstated a County Board of Adjustment and Construction Board of Appeals, improved and consolidated the county code enforcement program with the building code enforcement program and restructured the FEMA Floodplain Management, county wildfire management, GIS, E-911 and Rural Addressing programs.

Director, County Office of Emergency Management
Taos County

October 2012 – December 2012 (3 months)

While Deputy County Manager, simultaneously served on the ICS/NIMS incident response team/command structure as Incident Commander for the County Emergency Operations occurrences for 2012.

Served as OEM Public Information Officer (PIO) for 2011 and 2012, and as Operations Section Chief and PIO for a 2011 week-long weather-related energy outage that left 32,000 people without natural gas and intermittent power outages through New Mexico’s longest and coldest period of sub-freezing weather in recorded history. Temperatures reached nighttime lows in the minus 30’s with daytime single digit temperatures, leaving thousands of households without heat, water, cooking sources, etc. and nearly all businesses and government agencies closed.

The incident involved the coordination of staff, equipment and resources from the NM Dept of Homeland Security, National Guard, FEMA, utilities, State Police, Sheriff’s Office, EMS, public housing, County Public Works, volunteer fire departments and numerous municipalities. Also served as relief Incident Commander during this federally declared national emergency and as a member of the after-incident report team. Coordinated the subsequent County application for FEMA financial recovery assistance sufficient to cover all county losses/expenses. Established emergency sheltering for domestic animals and coordinated and publicized federal and state recovery assistance programs with FEMA and the Town of Taos for businesses and homeowners.

Served as relief Director for the County Emergency Management Office for 2011 and 2012 and as full-time Director for the 4th quarter of 2012, including chairing federal (BLM, USFS), state and local inter-jurisdictional planning and prevention activities for wildland-urban interface wildfire activity during a period of prolonged drought and coordinated county response and recovery activities for several wildfire and flooding incidents.

Executive Director, Taos County Housing Authority
Taos County

December 2011 – December 2012 (1 year 1 month)Taos, NM

Performed an internal investigation of policies and procedures and established reforms includng a tenant grievance and appeal procedure, donations tracking policies, criminal background checks, financial checks and balances and instituted improved bidding procedures in compliance with state, county and federal requirements. Served as hearing officer and adviser to the Board and senior management. Assumed full control as Executive Director of the 198 public housing units and 440 Section 8 Vouchers after HUD identified fraud by the prior Director. Investigated and sought the resignation of several staff and purged all landlord and tenant lists of individuals with political conflicts or committing fraud, resulting in an additional 70 families being assisted.

Developed a 5 and 30 year capital improvements and modernization plan for aging units. Recruited an interim consulting firm to retrain staff and manage the day-to-day affairs during the restructuring. Developed, lobbied obtained HUD, NMFA and County approval for and executed an exit strategy to dissolve the faltering housing authority and reinvent it as the Office of Housing Services within a newly proposed County Planning and Community Development Department; resulting in streamlined operational expenses and broader types of housing development and housing services to the community. Subsequently oversaw the transition of the housing program, staff and assets to a state endorsed regional housing agency and secured the designation of Taos as the hub for the new entity serving the northern 1/3 of New Mexico.

Public Information Officer
Taos County

January 2011 – December 2012 (2 years)105 Albright St., Taos, NM

While serving as Deputy County Manager for Taos County, simultaneously served as County Public Information Officer. Responsible for preparing and issuing press releases and serving as media contact, appearing on local news and community events shows and performing interviews with print media, preparing briefings and scheduling interviews for elected officials, conducting public outreach and information campaigns, preparing PSA’s in conjunction with media, coordinating public information requests including mugshots and arrest reports for inmates of the county detention facility. Prepared print media advertising and public awareness campaigns. Planned, coordinated and executed special events to promote county programs and facilities.

Human Resources Director
Taos County

February 2011 – November 2011 (10 months)105 Albright St. Taos, NM

Responsible for all human resource functions for 260 county employees. Served as Director of the HR Department for most of 2011. Conducted disciplinary hearings and served as liaison to the union in various personnel matters. Participated in union grievance and contract negotiations. Participated in employee recruitment and selection. Developed an interdepartmental county-wide re-organization plan to retain all employees, increase efficiency and services and reduce costs in the face of declining revenues. Successfully defended the County against unemployment, disability, Workman’s Compensation and EEOC claims. Negotiated a successful multi-year Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with the AFSCME that extracted key concessions in leave policies and other uncapped costs in exchange for increased efficiencies that translated into a 2% across the board increase for employees and management.

Director of Development Services
Archuleta County, CO
June 2008 – May 2010 (2 years)

Served as Director of the Planning, Building, Code Enforcement, Economic Development and the County Housing Authority. Also served as liaison to the real estate, building and development communities as well as large-scale private investors for soliciting and guiding investment, project development, developer agreements and legacy projects. Oversaw regulation and approval of oil, gas and mineral development. Developed development, building, property maintenance and resource extraction regulations. Participated on the project team for public-private partnerships such as a solar and geothermal greenhouse project and spearheaded the restructuring of the County Housing Authority and Economic Development Authority.

Rural Development Corporation
December 1985 – June 2008 (22 years 7 months)

Served as founder, CEO, CFO, President, Planning Director, grant writer, contract manager and construction manager, Developed all programs, policies and procedures, trained staff and conducted staff and program evaluations. Served as Personnel Officer and conducted enployee disciplinary actions. Obtained all licenses, permits and approvals for zoning, land use, construction, occupancy and operations. Negotiated all contracts for services, vendor agreements and consulting agreements with the corporation’s government and private clients, as well as with those subcontractors to the corporation. Managed a 120 acre self sufficient residential campus, providing day care, job training, service supportive transportation, housing counseling, case management, emergency and transitional housing and supportive maintenance, administrative and food services. Under agreement with FmHA, VA and HUD obtained foreclosed distressed single-family homes, conducted rehabilition , housing counselling and converted homeless families into homeowners. Served as a consultant in community redevelopment projects in several counties. Developed a statewide system of warehousing and distribution for NJDA and USDA and directly operated several related commercial warehouses and trucking contracts for the distribution of food to food panties, soup kitchens, shelters and needy feeding programs. Developed a Certified Housing Development Organization (CHoDO) in conjunction with HUD and NJ Dept of Community Affairs. Provided contracted services to government agencies throughout 5 counties, such as hotlines, service directories, newsletters, transportation, program development and land use and human services planning, as well as services to non-profits and rural agencies, such as organizational and Board development, computer services and custom software design, staff training, facilities design and management, grant writing, lobbying, needs assessments, program evaluation, community organizing/outreach.

Plumsted Township Redevelopment Authority
January 2005 – July 2005 (7 months)

Served simultaneously as the CEO, CFO, Secretary of the Redevelopment Authority, where I recruited the Commissioners and development team, handled all land use issues, site identification and acquisition issues, solicited vendors and developed bidding processes and specifications for large scale mixed use development, reviewed, analyzed and recommended on awards, conducted negotiations with respondents and developed redevelopment contracts and developer agreements, represented the Authority before various municipal and state regulatory bodies and served as CEO of a high level operations and development team comprised of municipal and redevelopment lawyers, tax lawyers, bond counsel, auditors, accountants, engineers, planners, public and private utilities and multiple large commercial partners and developers, including both general and limited partners. Designed and brokered a deal for the general partner (Centex Homes) to buy out and absorb the limited partners in a financial restructuring of the project. Facilitated the transition from a local Economic Development Authority to a state approved regional Redevelopment Authority, including the development of special taxing, public services and self-governing districts (Special Improvement District, Business Improvement District, Neighborhood Preservation District). Negotiated full ownership and governance form the Redevelopment Authority to the host municipality, which is required by state law upon the completion of the duties assigned to the Redevelopment Authority in the ordinance creating it.

Progenitor Consulting
September 1994 – July 2005 (10 years 11 months)

Founded and operated a consulting company specializing in organizational management and planning. Provided consulting services and representation at negotiations or public hearings on matters such as land use, zoning, facilities design, construction management, licensing, contract and program development, internal investigations, union and labor negotiation, accounting and financial management. Developed and recommended on specialized software, computer, inventory management, personnel and social services tracking systems. Developed public information and public relations campaigns across multiple media platforms. Served as a political consultant, economic analyst and policy advisor to local, county, legislative candidates and congressional candidates, to both political parties and to numerous community groups. Researched and prepared grant and foundation applications for municipal governments, county governments, housing authorities, community and economic development organizations, and non-profits.

Director of Community Development/Deputy Township Administrator
Plumsted Township, NJ
April 1994 – July 2005 (11 years 4 months)

Served in numerous capacities with the Township and Economic Development Authority, many simultaneously, including Director of Community Development, Main Street Executive Director, Code Enforcement Officer, Asst. Zoning Officer, Municipal Alliance Coordinator, Neighborhood Preservation Program, national and state Main Street Program designation, grant writer, served as Township staff for the municipal Planning Commission, etc. Responsible for all business and economic development, coordination of special events, liaison to Business and Merchants Association, Arts Council, Historic Society, etc. Responsible for agri- and eco-and historic tourism development, redevelopment of downtown park and lake system, formation of historic district, business promotion, press releases, special events and special projects for the Mayor and Council.

Plumsted Township Economic Development Authority
April 2001 – December 2004 (3 years 9 months)

Served as Main Street Coordinator. Obtained state and federal designation as a Main Street Community and designation for the Neighborhood Preservation Program. Obtained all state and local approvals for the Plumsted redevelopment District and Redevelopment Authority. Served as CFO, Personnel Officer, Secretary, contract manager and grants manager for the EDA. Served as Business Ombudsman for the municipality, directing businesses and potential businesses through approval and relocation procesess, Identified, counseled and developed 30 new locally owned and operated Main Street businesses in 18 months, achieving 100% occupancy within the target area within 24 months. Coordinated the clean up, condemnation or sale of over a dozen substandard key properties. Secured funding, state and federal technical assistance for key economic development projects, including the redesign and redevelopment of dilapidated water front parks in the downtown area.

Volunteer Experience & Causes

Opportunities Richard P. is looking for:
Joining a nonprofit board
Skills-based volunteering (pro bono consulting)

Causes Richard P. cares about:
Animal Welfare
Arts and Culture
Civil Rights and Social Action
Economic Empowerment
Poverty Alleviation
Science and Technology
Social Services


Nationally Certified Public Housing Manager (PHM)
National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) April 1994 – Present

Certified Redevelopment Authority Administrator
NJ Dept. of Community Affairs, Rutgers University, Bloustein School of Government. January 2002 – Present

Certified Zoning Officer and Administrator
NJ Dept. of Community Affairs, Rutgers University, Bloustein School of Government Affairs. April 2002 – Present
Certified Main Street Executive Director
NJ Dept. of Community Affairs, National Trust for Historic Preservation January 2000 – Present


Full professional proficiency
Elementary proficiency

Independent Coursework

Certified Redevelopment Authority Administrator/NJDCA Rutgers University. Certified Public Housing Manager (PHM) -NAHRO/HUD

Certified Construction Manager – Turner Construction/ NJDCA
Certified Zoning Officer and Administrator -NJDCA/Rutgers University
Certified National Main Street Executive Director – NJDCA/Downtown Revitalization Institute
Certified Comprehensive Housing Counselor – HUD/Howard University
Licensed Reate Estate Salesperson – Weichert Real Estate School/NJ

Real Estate Commission
National Incident Management System (NIMS) Certified, Series 100-
700 – FEMA/U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security
Home Ownership Counselling Certification – Mortgage Banker’s Association of NJ

Excellence in Local Government Leadership Progarm – NJ Dept. of Personnel. Leadership New Jersey – Partnership NJ/NJ State Legislature


Economic Development

Land Use

Communit Development

Strategic Planning


Grant Writing.

Public Administration



Urban Planning

Community Outreach

Public Speaking



Policy Analysis

See 35+

Education: North Dakota State University

MA, Community and Regional Planning
1977 – 1980

Activities and Societies: City of Fargo, ND Mayoral Appointee, Transportation Advisory Commission. Business Mananger, NDSU Board of Student Publications, President, ND Student Association

North Dakota State University
BA, Economics
1973 – 1977

Activities and Societies: Student Body President, Student Senate Chairman, North Central Athletic Conference Student President, Board of Student Publications Business Manager, Student Newspaper,

Finance Commission
Honors & Awards

Who’s Who in Executives and Professionals
Who’s who in Young American Society and Business
Employee of the Year – SCOPE, Inc.
Manager of the Year – SCOPE, Inc.
Student Body President – ND State University
President – North Central Conference, NCAA Student Association
Named “Plumsted Township’s greatest asset” by the NJ Dept. of Community Affairs and the National Main Street Program.