Land & Water Lovers Support Diane

By: Bill Whaley
4 September, 2010

Sagebrush Inn, Sept. 12

On Sept. 12, people who love land and water and support Diane Denish for Governor, will gather at the Sagebrush Inn for a demonstration of solidarity. “The people who support Diane Denish, love the land and water will be coming from across the state for the free buffet,” said Trudy Healy, a member of the state water trust board. “Call me at 776-1651 and you can be a host. We’re going to put everybody’s name in The Taos News ad.”

Healy is urging democrats from northern and southern New Mexico to join in celebrating the preservation and protection of the state’s watersheds, land grants, and natural resources. The onetime bruja and her helper, Obama operative, Robert Apodaca are taking the campaign by los cojones since local dems and the Denish campaign have been ignoring El Norte. “Vale mas tarde que nunca,” she said.

Recently, information about republican gubernatorial candidate Susana Martinez has emerged implying that the Texas native is a threat to New Mexico water. See the chilling video revelations at

The Denish-Martinez campaign has split democratic families in El Norte, pitting husbands against wives, fathers against daughters, and sons against mothers. The Martinez schism was launched by wealthy Texas Republicans against El Corazon de La Gente, according to Demos for Diane. “They want our water and they ain’t going to get it,” said Flavio, longtime union organizer. “Viva la Raza. Viva la Tierra. Viva l’aqua.”

(Email if you want to join the festivities at the Sagebrush and sign on for Diane.)