Request for Public Records: i.e. Transparency!

By: Bill Whaley
23 May, 2015

Bill Whaley
P.O. Box 1135
125 De Teves
Taos, NM 87571
(575) 776-4115

Attention: Renee Lucero
Town Clerk/Records

Dear Renee:

Please consider this a request to inspect public records pursuant to the New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act (“Open Records Act”), NMSA 1978 #14-2-1, et seq. I wish to inspect and selectively copy the following documents believed to be in the possession of the Town of Taos or receive the copies via email.
I realize this is a burden for you but considering the looming deadline for next year’s budget and the lack of forthcoming information from the Town of Taos via consistent public relations announcements, I am hoping for clarification from you.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Bill Whaley

1. Public Works Department:

Please send copies of RFPs, Competitive Bids, excerpted minutes where Council approves, Procurement Officer Notes, and Engineer Breakouts, and engineer contracts and estimates affecting project. If you have questions, you can email or phone me ( or 575-776-4115)

1. Bertha Road Improvements and La Posta Sewer:
Northern Mountain Constructors bid ($618,180.50) and engineer’s estimate. Engineer’s Inc. opinion and comparisons.

TT-14-13 (Fiscal Year: 2013-1014).

2. Development of Camino de la Merced

RFP, bids, winning contractor, etc.
Engineer’s comparisons, stamped by Paul Fast
TT-13-215 (Souder Miller) signed by Darren Cordova
TT-15-14) (Souder Miller) signed by Dan Barrone

3. Current Contracts, RFPs, estimates, engineering, etc. all work to be completed by June 30, 2015, as I understand it, re:

Silva Excavation
Northern Mountain Constuctors
A&S (?)

These projects were announced by the mayor to be completed by the end of the fiscal year, including information re: $80,000 in “potholes” and other road improvements.

4. Information re: “emergency work” performed in response to Graham’s Grill grease-trap/sewer problem in the summer-fall of 2013. I am unsure of the contractor’s company name but believe it was Art Gonzales: I watched him with my own eyes so I know it was done over a weekend and beyond. He did a lot of work for the Town.

6. Farmer’s Market:

Town Contract with Farmer’s Market:

Please include studies, surveys, minutes affecting decision or any other relevant information.

7. Please send copies of and/or responses to recent 2015 Town of Taos and/or Lodgers Tax Advisory Board decisions re: small grants for promotion and development of tourism, including contracts and attendant expenses the Kongos (2014), Solar Fest (2015), Lilac Festival, and Fiesta Committee (both 2015), including RFPs, contracts, and list of bidders or others who missed deadlines but applied or other applicants approved. Also please send authorizing legislation by the Town Council, excerpts from the minutes, dates, etc. I have been told by LTAB members and/or tourism professionals that the process changed deadlines and guidelines in the midst of the process.

8. Please make available the Town’s guide and resolution adopting parliamentary procedure regulations, whether “Robert’s Rules of Order” or some variation thereof.

Thank –you for your attention to this matter.

Bill Whaley
P.O. Box 1135
125 De Teves
Taos, NM 87571