In America and Taos: The Absurd is News

By: Bill Whaley
15 August, 2015

The Nation

By now the 24 million Americans, who watched the Republican debates, know that Donald Trump represents the culmination of a new “made-in-America” artform, the triumph of the “reality-show” over realpolitick. Call it “Camus Revisited” or the ascension of the Absurd. Trump appeals to the pop-culture side of politicks and the deep resentment of citizens, who lament the betrayals of Senator Cruz’s quaint “Washington Cartel” (of which he is a member). The Donald quacks for all the misogynists, who despise women, who are not only citizens but got the right to vote back in the 20s.

The No. 1 woman, Hillary Clinton, is campaigning hard against the 17 dwarfs. While Hilary is picking the pockets of her Wall St. supporters, the democrat Bernie Sanders speaks to those suffering from “inequality of wealth,” a condition produced by the financial “elites” and Citizens United. The failure of democratic capitalism has only resulted in the destruction of the middle class and the earth itself. The elite maintain power by dividing and conquering: see the roiling racism wherein white cops shoot, willy-nilly, black people.

Since moral values have been “privatized” as commodities, winners are judged on their promotions and income. Fraudsters at the top, the members of the “too big to fail club,” get celebrated, not jailed. The banksters have the same protections as do the ethically challenged members of the Taos County bar association.

8th Judicial District

On Monday, the 8th Judicial Court groupies will gather in Judge Jeff McElroy’s courtroom to watch a video relay of a Supreme Court Justice, who will swear in a new judge, former Deputy District Attorney, Emilio Chavez in a Raton Courtroom. (Raton coincidentally is Spanish for “rat.”)

Among other “ethical lapses,” Chavez is best known for violating the professional conduct code some 90 times, which resulted in the dismissal of charges against the alleged Kit Carson robbers. Due to appeals and lawsuits and final hearings in other District Courts, the Court of Appeals, and the Supreme Court itself, a black cloud hangs over the Governor’s appointee, who was recommended by his own unscrupulous colleagues. By appearing at the swearing-in-ceremony and offering her benediction, Chief Justice Barbara Vigil will transform the “black robes” into a symbol of absurdity.

Hey, Judge McElroy, when do we get the decision in the local “King Lear” case, Allen v. Northrup and Northup v. Allen? Its two weeks late!

County Commissioners

On Tuesday at their regular meeting, the County Commissioners confront the issue of John Painter’s El Prado Water and Sanitation District (EPWSD), which wants to raise taxes. Painter, Tele Gonzales, and the “rubber-stampers” on El Prado’s board recently ran afoul of their “wite-out” campaign against a contractor. Attorney Lee Boothby and her client will cost the District some $175,000 due the contractor and another $250,00 estimated, due to El Prado’s defense attorneys.

Painter also pays water attorney Brockman a bundle and, given the cost of pipes installed to allegedly enhance Painter-Gonzales property, the grandiose purchase of the Gallagher Ranch in Sunshine and the El Torreon property in El Prado as well as the purchase of ten times the amount of water rights needed to serve its 1400 customers, and you have some idea of how Little John is playing Mr. Big. Perhaps Painter is just trying to catch up with KCEC CEO Luis Reyes, whose Coop owes some $100 million to its bankers.

EPSWD is asking for the County to approve a tax to pay for their corrupt and incompetent practices. Although various parciantes and County members of the Water Advisory board objected to Painter’s EPWSD request for water rights transfers from the Questa area, County Commissioner Blankenhorn supported El Painter. Former Questa mayor Esther Garcia opposed the transfers but the current Mayor and Commissioner Mark Gallegos seems willing to support El Prado’s quest for Questa water. Commissioner Fambro, a former Questa administrator and town fire chief, goes along to get along with the “good old boys.”

(Note: The value of my property has remained unchanged for years, according to the County Assessor, but, according to the County Treasurer, my taxes have risen several hundred dollars. EPWSD has raised my water rates substantially in recent years.)

Friction sources say the New Mexico Finance Authority refused to loan the EPWSD any more money. Now either EPWSD will be forced into receivership or, given the creation of a “water market” by Painter and water attorney James Brockman, El Prado will be forced to sell their water rights down the river and their real estate to the highest bidder.

Question: Should the County Commissioners overlook the corruption at EPSWD or tell them, like Stray Hearts and Holy Cross Hospital, to get their house in order? Commissioners might ask for an “audit.” of the El Prado water board. The EPWSD board members don’t know where to find their water meters or wells and can’t be bothered to check the paperwork. It’s all about letting John run the District like his own private enterprise.

BTW: The activists up in the Seco-El Salto area threw the rascals out (Palemon and Fermin) and are now  learning about the “Abeyta/Taos Pueblo Water Settlement shell game.”

Town of Taos

The Town’s Public Works Department’s can neither fix the streets nor clean the weekly grime off the central Plaza park. Now the Town Council has thrown $60,000 at a non-existent “Arts and Cultural District” while allowing signs to proliferate in the Historic District like the weeds along town streets. This so-called “art community” seems blind to “beauty” except for watering a few flowers. Apparently, the Mayor has lost his work gloves. For forty grand a year he should be able to afford a new pair.