“Buy a Button and Get on the Bus for Bernie”—Flavio

By: Bill Whaley
2 September, 2015

Join the Nation and Celebrate Bernie’s Birthday

Democrats and independents will be flocking to the Taos Mesa Brewery Tuesday, Sept. 8th at 6 pm to celebrate Beernie’s candidacy for POTUS (President of the United States). Bernie, who leads all candidates when it comes to enthusiastic attendance at political rallies, is a social democrat, who rails against the single most important issue in America: inequality of wealth.

If you analyze the ills of contemporary political society, whether its racism and gender discrimination, climate change and gun violence, endless war and spying on citizens, you will find that the causes of “social and economic injustice” are a function of “economic determinism.” And the “lust” for wealth or the sublimated drive of the libido and the work ethic, transforms this base desire into a function of the uncontrolled appetite, the ceaseless appetite for “mas.”

A poor person eats an unhealthy bag of chips and drinks one too many beers on the way home from work. At KCEC and EPWSD the energizer bunnies lust for more Broadband contracts, water rights, and “wite-out” (to eliminate the bad news). Whether it’s a high salary for a do-nothing bureaucrat at town hall or a new airport for a billionaire at TSV, the origin of the lust for power and money gets its start in the intestines of the human animal and you see the results in waste water treatment plants and the detritus at landfills.

Unlimited money has turned Donald Trump into a phenomena of totalitarian expression as both citizens of the left and right flock to pray at the great god’s representation of “golden hope.”

Former President Jimmy Carter, candidate for “Cancer Survivor,” says unlimited money “violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president. And the same thing applies to governors and U.S. senators and congress members. So now we’ve just seen a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors…”

Bernie Sanders is the singular voice speaking up against the great conspiracy of Capitalist corruption and Totalitarianism. He’s neither a Marxist nor a Plutocrat but a populist who believes in the fair distribution of power and money. The citizens, whether American workers or small-time entrepreneurs need to recognize that the wealthy and the corporate interests have long manipulated race against race, class against class, and created divisive social issues in order to control the masses. As Marx mentioned, however, the Plutocrats’ greed will grow and grow until the virus destroys the earth and civilization, as we know it.

In 2008, American citizens fantasized about “hope” and “change” in the person of Barack Obama. Two years ago, citizens in the Town of Taos fantasized about “change” and “hope” in the persons of Dan Barrone, Fritz Hahn, and Judi Cantu. Never have so few betrayed so many in both cases.

Perhaps the great human experiment is finished and we Taosenos should prepare for end times. What better way to celebrate the apocalypse than at Taos Mesa Brewery out there under the roof of a giant Quonset hut filled with the libations of the gods? If you live in the present and ignore the past and future, life and beauty in Taos, even reality, can be wonderful. Let’s throw the dice, wish Bernie a Happy Birthday and sing Auld Lang Syne. Bring your Hard Hats.

(The Bad Gringo is back from summer sabbatical and has a story, to be posted soon, written about the doings of the Taos PD from the bowels of town hall thanks to Flavio, the indefatigable source and contract custodian.)