La Curandera y La Tejana y Los Sixtos

By: Bill Whaley
26 September, 2010

“Instead of creating more trouble for each other, by claiming there are profound differences between fiction and creative nonfiction, let’s just shut up and write”—Charles Blackstone, “The Art of Friction: where [non] fictions come together” (University of Texas, Austin, 2008)

The “Say No to Susana” movement against La Tejana Republican candidate for Gov. campaign in El Norte is taking off like a wild fire pushed by fierce winds thanks to a one-time Bruja, Trudy Valerio Healy. Healy and Husband Ed sponsored a rally at the Sagebrush Inn on behalf of those who love the land and water but support Diane Denish. The campaign to save the water is leaking into small corners and pueblos throughout the state, while, according to Flavio, bringing a smile to the lips of our besieged lame-duck Governor.

Disaffected Demos, who joined with local Republicans, sensing a chance to make in-roads into the Roundhouse, have jumped on La Tejana’s bandwagon, and are capitalizing on the ethnic feeling aroused by the linguistic nominalism of La Martinez. Local historian Paul Martinez is leading the counter revolution in a campaign of “Los Martinezes for Denish.” Trudy, the Mayordomo’s daughter, is getting up early, working the phones, and turning herself into La Diana’s personal curandera.

Get yourself a save the state sticker—”Say No to Susana” at

Prime movers in Taos County behind Los Nortenos for La Tejana allegedly include land grant activists—the El Salto Sixtos—and their factotums from the secretive and so called “L’ Agua Sagrado in El Salto”above Arroyo Seco. According to Friction sources, unregistered shares of heirs in the land grant pass back and forth or are sold in an informal legal setting—outside the purview of the SEC and far from the prying eyes of the judicial process—not unlike West Mesa homesteaders who sell the rights to occupy old cars and sheds in the Carson—Three Peaks area.

Tourists, wood-cutters, and hunters pay a fee to use the lands. We have been told that a records search at Taos County reveals no documentation or paper trail for the grant.

For all we know Los Sixtos may be a fictional construct or an outtake from the Milagro Beanfield War trilogy—as they entertain themselves with psilocybin visions of the past. Perhaps they are just a group of sincerely committed seekers who want justice for the heirs to the Martinez—Lucero de Godoi grant but don’t trust the American judicial system. According to los Primos, the Six have seized some 1400 to 4000 acres, which have never been subjected to a quiet title search.

The land grant itself was first appropriated by the Spanish and then Los Mexicanos from Taos Pueblo. Later Arthur Manby shoplifted the grant then found himself outgunned later by the locals and lost it. Now Los Sixtos are digging in their heels and operating like metaphorical Los Hermanos–out of sight and out of mind– except for talk among los vecinos or as a well-worn topic at Abe’s Cantina in Seco. Some suspect Teresa Ferguson, la Bruja, has returned to take revenge on Manby’s ghost.

By supporting La Tejana, activists may be interested in gaining the rights to sell water rights to thirsty munis below the Otowi confluence of the Chama and the Rio Grande. Or, better yet, they may want to sell the rights to poach while providing natives and second homers with the best view shed opportunities in the county. Is La Tejana merely La Teresa in disguise? Quien sabe?Watchalo mis amigos, Watchalo.

On the national scene, we have Tea Party typos, alumni of witches’ covens or tax deniers, who would eliminate social security and eliminate the national tithe for the rich. They want to impose a Christian theocracy on our “Thou Shalt Not Kill”—”Don’t ask, don’t tell”– military. Catch me a terrorist for Jesus! Where are Cecil B. DeMille and Charlton Heston when we need them? Out practicing at the national rifle range near El Raton?

On this holy day, Pray for us, St. Jude. Pray for Los Sixtos y Los Tea Party typos, too. And Jerome, Jeff, Luis, the Coop Trustees, The Town Council, the Mayor and the Disappeared Barber, the Commissioners, and especially, the School Board y El Weston. Pray for the souls of Richard Nixon, Gov. Cargo, Barry Goldwater, the Kennedys and the Agnews. Pray for the elders at Taos Pueblo and thank the Congress for returning Blue Lake to Taos Pueblo. Pray for La Tejana y La Diana y La Trudy and the brood. Pray for us St. Jude (Branch, too).