Astrology Update

By: Bill Whaley
27 September, 2010

Astrologess Weekly Update Sep 27 – Oct 3, 2010
By Catherine Kenward
If you’re interested in getting an astrology or tarot reading send me an email or call 575.758.4850 to make an appointment. You can read this week’s (or a previous week’s) forecast online
Monday 09/27 – This day seems to unwind as it goes along, heading toward a Moon/Neptune square at 5:14 PM this afternoon, and we just keep losing momentum.
But after the sun sets people wake up. The Moon sextiles Jupiter (7:27 PM) and Uranus (9:02 PM) and suddenly things get lively. There must be a party going on somewhere.
Tuesday 09/28 – The Moon enters Gemini at 12:01 AM.
It’s a harmonious morning, social and talkative (Sun trine Moon at 10:27 AM). This is a good time to make contact and firm up plans for the week.
Things settle down this afternoon when the Moon trines Saturn (2:16 PM) and we finally get down to the week’s business.
Wednesday 09/29 – The Gemini Moon keeps us in motion today though there are no major lunar aspects until this evening’s Moon/Mercury square (8:30 PM). Gemini/Virgo tension tends to get nitpicky and critical though this mental energy can be used for other pursuits, like reading, writing or review. The tendency is to fritter away our energy with too much chatter.
Thursday 09/30 – The Moon enters Cancer at 7:46 AM.
Astrologically, there’s a lot going on as we sleep so dreams should be vivid but the mood this morning is rather touchy and difficult as the Moon heads toward an opposition to Pluto (12:54 PM).
Today’s aspects are triggering this week’s difficult Sun/Saturn square to Pluto so this is when it all comes to a head. Among other things, this can bring about a brush with criminal types though most of the manipulation going on now is not criminal, it doesn’t hurt to be on your guard.
The Sun/Saturn conjunction (6:42 PM) denotes a period of low vitality and tends toward depression. This alignment generates a lot of demands and responsibilities, while putting a big drain on our energy and resources. It’s easy to feel tired and overwhelmed. Try and pace yourself and if something’s not working, don’t force it.
Friday 10/01 – The mood is softer this morning as a Moon/Venus trine (5:50 AM) sweetens things up.
Mercury opposition Jupiter (4:36 PM) puts a positive spin on things, brushing recent concerns under the carpet. Mercury/Jupiter believes in putting out positive PR no matter what is going on and because of this is sometimes accused of hypocrisy.
Saturday 10/02 – It’s a lively morning. People are restless and in need of an outlet for all that nervous energy as Mercury opposes Uranus (8:24 AM).  Break out of boring routines and do something different. Take off for a weekend adventure and explore some new territory. It looks like an exciting weekend.
The Moon moves into Leo at 12:21 PM.
Sunday 10/03 – Mercury enters Libra (9:04 AM).
Venus conjuncts Mars (3:59 PM) for the second time in six weeks. This is because Venus is slowing down as it prepares to go retrograde next Friday (10/08/10) and Mars has caught up with her again. Their last conjunction (8/20/10) was in romantic Libra. This time it’s in passionate, intense Scorpio so feelings are running strong and people are looking for a deep and meaningful connection with spirit.
*All times are MDT (Mountain Daylight Time). For EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) add two hours. All aspects in bold are major influences that are in effect for several days. The Moon’s daily aspects are rapidly shifting influences that are in effect for only a few hours.
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