Clinton and Barrone Rally for Denish

By: Bill Whaley
15 October, 2010

On Sat. afternoon, Oct. 16, Los Barrones will host a Matanza for Lt. Gov. Denish. The party is free and it could be your last chance to show up and help Diane. Count your blessing and Vote for a Native New Mexican. Save your acequias from the “Great Water Grab.” How many times in Taos County have I heard local pols say, “He (or she) won’t win because he (or she) is not from here.”

Here’s your chance to defend your local culture.

Flavia attended the Clinton rally for Diane Denish yesterday. The ex-president looked a bit frail and thin, she said. But Clinton, according to Friday’s Journal North nailed La Martinez: “Besides being a native Texan, there’s a reason she got all that money from those people that are interested in your water: They want to drain the Rio Grande and the Pecos. I feel bad about Texas being short of water. I do. But I don’t feel so bad that I think they should have two governors.”

Journal stories describe Martinez as having come here in the mid 80s—part of a sleeper cell detachment of Texans—wanting to take over the state. Both former Republican Gov. David Cargo and current Gov. Bill Richardson are from out of state. But they support New Mexican traditions: sources of water, hospitable climates for immigrants and emigrants, and tolerance for differences. The swing to the right by Republicans–who want to take away your right to smoke pot–is understandable.

But why are local Demos, whose ancestors fought off the Texas confederate army at Glorieta during the Civil War, falling all over La Martinez?

For the last eight years, thanks to Gov. Richardson, Rep. Gonzales, and Sen. Cisneros, the Roundhouse has turned on the spigot and spit greenbacks back up north: The newly paved west rim road; improved highways in El Prado and Canon By-pass West and East; additions to the TCA, Harwood, Holy Cross, UNM-Taos, TMS; grants for neighborhood fire departments and community centers too numerous to count—and millions of dollars from La Trudy’s Water Trust Board for the town, county, and El Prado.

The Roundhouse spigot is symbolic of the northern New Mexico’s commitment to Democratic values. On Sat. you can dine at Dan Barrone’s, show Diane some love, and express your gratitude to the Dems who brought the party to Taos for the last eight years. Thanks to Diane and Las Brujas, a decade ago, Taosenos were able to throw out the crooks in the Democratic Party, which led to improved government in the county.

Hey, we don’t agree with everything that went on in the state but when it comes to Gov. Richardson, Lt. Gov. Denish, Rep. Gonzales, and Sen. Cisneros all politics is local. When was the last time La Martinez did you a favor? We’ve had our fun and now it’s time to support those who supported us.