The Future of “Agua es Vida”

By: Bill Whaley
17 October, 2010

Virgil Calls for “Recognition of Miners”

Reyes to Defend KCEC at County Commission

“Just remember this: Cody Ross of Carlsbad, NM, hit two homers off “No-hit” Roy Halladay leading the SF Giants in a 4-3 victory over Philly in the first NLCS game!

At Dan and Della Barrone’s rally and tasty barbecue for gubernatorial candidate Diane Denish and Rep. Ben Ray Lujan, El Norte’s water was much discussed. The Mayordomo’s daughter, Trudy Valerio Healy, passed around a preview of this week’s Oct. 18 issue of Newsweek magazine. The cover story reports how water is the new oil. Apparently, water resources for Santa Fe and the Southwest and the rest of the country–are being targeted by financiers—like T. Boone Pickens—for privatization.

(Naomi Klein’s “The Shock Doctrine,” (2007) addresses similar practices by Republicans to privatize worldwide water resources.)

If the Republican candidate for Gov., Susana Martinez, wins the New Mexico seat, water rights transfers—so far stalled by Democrats—north of the Otowi gauge will be allowed to slip South. Currently, the Office of the State Engineer (OSE) does not allow water rights to be transferred south and below the confluence of the San Juan—Chama/ Rio Grande. But that all could change with the ascendancy of Republicans at the Roundhouse and in Washington D.C.

In a letter circulated to parciantes and water rights holders, Chemo Valerio, treasurer of La Merced De Cristobal de la Serna,” says, “there is no better time than right now to register your water rights. The fee to State Engineer is $5.00. You must take a copy of your deed & survey. Also the acequia you are a member of.” If you have questions, Valerio advises you to call the County at 737-6300. Document your water rights before it’s too late.

Republican insiders and farmers in Dona Ana County all say Martinez is unaware and uninterested in the acequia culture. She will appoint businessmen, developers, and industrialists in the place of enviros and parciantes on the water board—if there is one. Like Albuquerque Journal commentators who criticize former Pres. Clinton for raising the issue, some Democrats and Republicans in Taos, don’t understand the potential piracy being planned by the privateers from Texas. Vote for Susana and you are voting against the preservation and protection of land and water in El Norte.

The Abeyta-Taos Pueblo Water Settlement, the Navajo pipeline from San Juan to Gallup, the transfer of Top of the World Water rights above Questa south to Santa Fe—could all become casualties in the upcoming “Great Water Grab.”

And there’s more. If the Republicans win and have their way at the Roundhouse, Taosenos may lose a state senator and be represented by Farmington gas and oil interests due to the mandated redistricting of the house and senate this year. According to local legislators, the political power of El Norte could pass into history forever.

Vote for Denish: Save Your Water Rights from Plunder and your representatives from vanishing like water running into the sands of history. It’s about survival.

Editor’s Note. Eyewitnesses report that Republican operatives have been stealing Denish-Colon yard signs. A vehicle full of “dirty tricksters” was seen reporting in at the local GOP HQ during early AM hours. Keep your eyes peeled for suspicious looking characters.

Demos are asking what has happened to the Taos Democratic Party Chair i.e. Thomas “Chuby” Tafoya? His absence from the prior rally for Denish as well as the Barrone party has raised suspicions that he has gone over to the dark side. Maybe he’s hiding out up on El Salto with Easy Money and the Bitter Roots or looking for a job if a certain El Prado Chicano power broker gets appointed to PED as Martinez’s Secretary of Education.

BTW: At press time, the latest polls show New Mexico native Diane Denish gaining momentum on Susana, La Tejana: Just Say No.

Taos County/KCEC

Here’s an item on the County Commission’s Regular Meeting Agenda for Tue. Oct. 19:

A Presentation to Review Broadband Information and Kit Carson Electric Cooperative, Inc’s Proposed Rate Increase – Luis A. Reyes, Chief Executive Officer.

Commissioners say they are looking forward to hearing how much the rate increase will cost the county while operating the new 135,000 square foot Complex. No doubt commissioners will want to know how KCEC plans to fund their $20 million Broadband match for the $60 million grant. Commissioners often warn against the perils of government largesse and the hidden costs of matching federal dollars.

Citizens interested in protesting against the electric rate increase can pick up forms at KCEC HQ on Cruz Alta. Protesters say the Coop and Trustees should not be rewarded for profligate spending during the last decade: travel, Propane, Internet, the Command Center, and excessive expansion. Activists say the trustees and management, who want the members and PRC to bail them out—like the irresponsible bankers on Wall St. Trustees–should cut their per diem, reduce the number of board members, and reduce executive salaries. As long as trustees continue traveling—just like Luis—to Vegas, Hot Springs, Ark, Disney Land, D.C., San Antonio, the party houses in Santa Fe and Denver, etc., members wonder why they must scrimp and save to support more of the same.

Penasqueros are pushing Ernesto Gonzales to run in the next election for the Board of Trustees against incumbents Ambrose Mascarenas and Chris Duran. Taosenos, led by a local haberdasher, are forming a committee to campaign for St. Jerome Lucero. Members are disappointed in Taosenos Francis Cordova and Toby Martinez, who voted to give the CEO a raise and then followed up by voting for a rate increase.

Below is a letter from a trustee who tries to make a difference.

Recognition for Miners

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Obama:

As you know President Sebastian Pinera of Chile has caught the world’s attention in the recent rescue of “Los 33” miners. We miners, here at Chevron Mining, across the nation, and around the world join in congratulating our Chilean brothers. Viva “Los 33.”

We believe you, Mr. President, should declare a “National Day of Recognition” for all miners, miners, who dedicate themselves to family, industry, and country throughout the world. Mining is frequently lonely and dangerous. Who can even count the number of miners who have sacrificed their lives for the good of the country?

We also thank the Good Lord for the Deliverance of “Los 33” and pray for the safety of all miners.

Please declare a “Miner’s National Holiday” in solidarity with the celebration of “Los 33” in Chile.


Virgil Martinez

P.O. Box 65
Cerro, NM 87519

Editor’s Note: Virgil, a trustee, is one of two, like Luisa Mylet, who voted “No” on the KCEC rate increase.