Astrology Update

By: Bill Whaley
18 October, 2010

Astrologess Weekly Update Oct 18 – 24, 2010
By Catherine Kenward
If you’re interested in getting an astrology or tarot reading send me an email or call 575.758.4850 to make an appointment. You can read this week’s (or a previous week’s) forecast online at
Monday 10/18 – Neptune has moved in like a fog obscuring the landscape. The aspects are harmonious trines so we can get the best out of these influences by tuning into the creative, mystical side of Neptune. Mercury’s trine to Neptune (6:04 AM) makes this a good time to take a little time out to rest and contemplate the larger issues of life. Music and meditation have a particularly strong effect on us now.
The Pisces Moon trines Venus in Scorpio (7:02 PM) creating a gentle and tender mood. People tend to be kinder and more caring under Moon/Venus.

Tuesday 10/19 – The Sun trines Neptune (6:20 AM) sustaining yesterday’s dreamy mood. This is usually a generous, selfless influence though it can bring out a delusional streak in some people.
Later tonight, the Moon triggers tomorrow’s Mars/Jupiter trine when it trines Mars (9:48 PM) and conjuncts Jupiter (11:15 PM). We’re motivated to initiate action that is timely and has a very positive effect. Look for the Moon/Jupiter conjunction in the east after dark.

Wednesday 10/20 –Change is in the wind. A Moon/Uranus conjunction happens while we sleep (4:25 AM) and people wake up finding they’ve changed their minds on some key topic.
The Moon moves into Aries at 9:23 AM.
Mercury moves into Scorpio (3:19 PM) so communication becomes more secretive and mindsets more entrenched. The best use of Mercury in Scorpio is for some type of investigative or analytical work. This afternoon’s Moon/Pluto square (3:38 PM) is moody and manipulative.
Energy levels soar as Mars trines Jupiter (7:42 PM). Mars/Jupiter is known for its good timing and ability to be in the right place at the right time. This is a great time to implement plans for expansion.

Thursday 10/21 – An early morning Moon/Saturn opposition (5:46 AM) has people waking up feeling tired and discouraged. It’s a quiet, low key day.

Friday 10/22 – Mars square Neptune (9:37 AM) can indicate idealistic, deluded or dishonest action. You’ll probably see examples of all three in action today. Often we delude ourselves about our true motivations under this influence, disguising selfish actions as humanitarian or heroic.
Mercury sextile Pluto (1:38 PM) is rather introverted and introspective. Given to contemplating the larger issues of life, Mercury/Pluto is not interested in superficial chit-chat.
The Moon is Full in 29 degrees of Aries (7:37 PM).
The Moon moves into Taurus at 8:29 PM.

Saturday 10/23 – Sleep is restless this morning as busy brains kick in a bit too early (Moon opposition Mercury 4:36 AM). We start worrying and making plans before we even wake up.
The Sun enters Scorpio (6:36 AM).
A Moon/Venus opposition (1:07 PM) makes this a lazy afternoon. People are in the mood for a little pampering, a little shopping therapy. It’s easy to break the budget now.

Sunday 10/24 – We’re back in gear today as active Mars trines dynamic Uranus (8:57 AM).Mars/Uranus is a risk-taking adrenaline junkie. This aspect brings out the thrill seeker in people. Get out and get active.
There’s a jolly, satisfied mood tonight as the Moon sextiles Jupiter (7:27 PM), squares Neptune (10:12 PM) and Uranus (12:50 AM), bringing the weekend to a relaxed and contented end.

*All times are MDT (Mountain Daylight Time). For EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) add two hours. All aspects in bold are major influences that are in effect for several days. The Moon’s daily aspects are rapidly shifting influences that are in effect for only a few hours.

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