KCEC’s Homeland Security Program

By: Bill Whaley
16 November, 2010

A KCEC member writes: “Please watch Luis Reyes talking about the Infragard Regional Command Center.” (At http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75BOQjrjjlg)

The KCEC’s new command center will (apparently) be the centerpiece of a  triangulated information gathering service, along with the KCEC Call Center and Broadband program. The Triangulation Team will function as a “watcher” or “listener” in service to the Bush-Obama National Security State. More than one trustee and activist opposing rate increases has said they suspect the Coop of tapping into their communication services. (Trustee Virgil Martinez, who speaks forthrightly and  in code, doesn’t fear Reyes and his techie dogs.)

Those who attended the Town’s P&Z hearings for KCEC’s proposed “Command Center” heard much from KCEC agents about blast walls, Homeland Security mandates, and the threats posed by “terrorists” to public safety. On the video mentioned above, Reyes discusses “public safety,” a code word for instilling “fear” in Taosenos. The government tries to manipulate the public by issuing terrorist alerts, making war on Afghanis, talking up the fear factor at home and abroad. Taosenos should fear their elected officials and the heart-stopping envelopes marked with property tax and utility bills.

If you want answers, follow the money in a Capitalist Society.

We are sympathetic with those who got burned by the recent real estate bust hither and yon. Apparently, Reyes’ assistant manager, Mr. Alex Romero, whose travel expenses were paid for by the Coop, when they plucked the lucky survivor out of Arizona, experienced a decline in net worth—due to the bust. Given the current environment of over-extended debt and historic losses due to Propane and Internet at the Coop, one can understand Reyes’ judgment in hiring someone so experienced in leveraging debt.

See: “Romero, Carlos Alex and Angela M., Taos; assistant manager, sales representative; debts, $1,413,892; property, $502,392” At ” ABQJOURNAL RECORDS/BANKRUPTCIES: Bankruptcies http://www.abqjournal.com/records/bankruptcies/01223723bankruptcies11-01-10.htm#ixzz15B8HGzs8 “

DA Melodrama

According to Flavio, a melodramatic power struggle to replace the current DWI Program Coordinator with a County-based residential treatment program has resulted in the exit of the DA’s popular DUI prosecutor, Jeremy Hanika. Jeremy is apparently not one of the “good people,” and, like the list below of former “good people,” has left the D.A. for friendlier courtrooms. The bilingual attorney will leave behind a lot of good will—even as Tio Mikey gloats.

Donna Dagnall (Chief Deputy resigned;
Larry Fowler (Chief Deputy) resigned;
Mark Lovato (Sr. Trial Prosecutor) resigned;
Lee Boothby (Assistant D.A.) resigned;
Tim Hasson (Deputy D.A.) fired;
Carlos Gutierrez (Sr. Trial Prosecutor) fired;
Ernest Ortega (Program Mgr.) fired;
Barbara Martinez (Deputy D.A.) resigned;
Harley Mortensen (Deputy D.A.) fired;
Len Walker (Clayton, Deputy D.A.) resigned;
Bill Richardson (Sr. Investigator) resigned;
Dominic Martinez (Sr. Investigator) resigned;
Bill Hubbard (Chief Investigator) resigned; Jeremy Hanika (DWI Prosecutor) resigned (forced out?).

Town of Taos Preview

We hear the news media will break a second story about Taos PD misogyny and its brutal effects this week. Que pasa, Superman? Where’s Lois Lane and Jimmy Olson? Clark Kent’s been sleeping with the kryptonite.

Best Line Ever:

“Sorry Bro.”