Reyes Cultivates Fear and ………..

By: Johnny
18 November, 2010

By: Jane Odin

Ummmmm! Have you seen the youtube interview with Luis Reyes discussing the forthcoming Regional Command Center? Put aside the outrageous, propaganda nonsense that appears throughout the video and listen closely to the interview with Reyes discussing KCEC’s dedication to community public safety. “We want people to feel safe” is reiterated over and over throughout the brief presentation.

What is he talking about? Does he know something we don’t know? Something must be going on for him to mention the need to feel safe 11 times in a 5 min. presentation. Or is he simply following the fear of impending dangers being perpetrated by the feds? It is definitely the zeitgeist of our time. And it’s nauseating!

Reyes expresses desire to “address everyone’s issues – not just those tied to the town of Taos or Taos County or Questa.” I guess he plans to extend KCEC’s web of protection to Co-op users and beyond. He wants all information in one place to “better plan the direction of this community.”  Sounds like the kiss of death.

I ran a newspaper in Georgia back in the “80s – Hometown News, and had the opportunity to observe and record numerous community planning projects throughout central Georgia. And I stuck around long enough to see the results. I would call it robust gentrification resulting in numerous communities becoming carbon copies of each other instead of remaining the unique entities they once were.

Reyes says the command center can “ monitor” both schools and buses. They will be able to see into buses and know everything that’s going on. What else can they “see into”? Can they monitor our homes , yards and businesses?

What kind of spy technology will they use? Who will be in charge of protocol?

I spoke with a KCEC representative regarding the above questions and was told the EOC-Homeland Security part of the Control Center will be built later after the city and county have moved essential operations into the building. At which point Homeland Security operatives will become actively involved in the EOC. If city/county and other so-called stake-holders opt out – then it will remain a private Kit Carson operation.

Hopefully the city and county will keep the Homeland Security operation from happening. As Jesse Ventura said recently on Conspiracy Theory: “I would rather lose security and maintain personal freedom.” If you have been keeping up with details of national current events regarding airport security then you know how ridiculous the fear-mongering, Homeland Security regulations have become.  Danger is not lurking everywhere and we don’t want to let that camel’s nose under the tent.

I’m reminded of the old saying “if you build it they will come.” In this context- does it suggest that by preparing for so-called dangers we will sensitize the environment for danger’s arrival?