Stray Hearts Death Panel Questioned

By: Bill Whaley
8 December, 2010

As a rule this writer stays away from the animal kingdom due to the volatile nature of activists and their disagreements about euthanasia. According to the email below, however, the Stray Hearts’ “Death Panel” has gone too far. This morning my wife Debra showed me the pictures of the dogs referred to, which were allegedly put down. These were not pit bulls or ferocious looking canines–just your average very cute  Fido. But Fido’s dead. Long live Fido.

Here’s volunteer Jeannie Moretti’s letter to the Stray Hearts Animal Shelter Board:

“The Pet Page  that came out the week, of Wed. 11/24. advertised  10 of our wonderful dogs.

“Are you aware that FIVE of them “went down” the next week?   Yes, less than a week of great exposure to the public, and even before the next week’s edition came out.

“I ask that each of you dig out the page and take a good look at it, so we’re not just discussing numbers.  In order of appearance it is ALEXIS,  BOOVAY,  CARTER,  HUNTER,  and  LANDON.—all perfectly healthy and adoptable animals, otherwise they would not have been chosen for the ad.  All should have been safe from being put down for two to three weeks–the week the ad comes out and at least 2 weeks afterwards.

“That Pet Page always gives EVERYONE at the shelter a ray  of hope–maybe , maybe that sweet little animal will be adopted.  Can you imagine how shattering this  event is?

“What an absolute TRAVESTY to each of those five incredible animals.

Did anyone on the “Euthanasia Committee of Four” bother to read the paper before making a decision?   Apparently not.– or to discuss  and coordinate with  the creator of the ad ?  How could all FOUR people have missed the boat on this one?. I ask  you, the Board, to directly address this committee and be  aware of who is on it and  how they come to a consensus.  How many of them have direct contact with these animals,—what is the time frame for choosing which animal gets euthanized—,is it an equitably shared process of deciding?

“I had been told I could not know who was on the committee–that it changes. Who decides who will be on it ?  What is the criteria involved in that choice?  Who decides on the guidelines for this committeee?  How is it monitored?

“Yes, lots of questions but they are very important.

“Yes, we have a serious over-population problem.,   Let’s ALL come up with some plans that can  ease this problem–for example, more adoption venues, lowering adoption rates for all animals for a few weekends,, a proper fostering program, etc.

“The volunteers have created and are paying for a 1/2 page ad in the Taos News–“Letters to Santa” from the animals that will come out in the 12/16 issue.  We need absolute assurance that a terrible blunder like this will not happen  again–or why bother putting our time, hearts and money into this effort.    We are talking about only 4-5 dogs.and the same number of cats.

“The same  respect is being asked for adoptathons or any other animal venue.

“Let’s move our animals out–alive!!!

“Thank you,”

Jeannie Moretti
Stray Hearts Volunteer