Taos Town Crier Debates Town Councilor

By: Bill Whaley
9 December, 2010

Below Taos Friction posts an email circulated by Jeff Northrup in response, allegedly, to Councilman Rudy Abeyta’s remarks on DMC Broadcasting and in general. We make no brief for the accuracy of Jeff’s interpretation of the Councilor’s remarks. Since the mainstream media at DMC, KTAO, and The Taos News tends to brush over the issues, we think Taos needs a “Town Crier” to say that which can’t be said–whether about police brutality, death panels for dogs, or fiscal responsibility.

(Doth Rudy protest too much?)

To: Taos Councilman Rudy Abeyta:


I always enjoy your breathless idiotic rants such as you launched on “Breakfast with Nancy” this morning. As long as I don’t begin to find myself agreeing with you I’ll know my sanity is intact. Having just turned 64, I need to monitor my mental health constantly, looking for breakdowns in perceptions, logic and truth. Luckily, I’m passing with flying colors.

(Note: you have free shots at me on that radio show, as I’m not allowed to call in— you go, boy).

A few of your points; some of these were expressed this morning. All of them have been mentioned by you at least once at council meetings in the last six months, most two or more times:

“Jeff Northrup hates Mothers Day”

Actually, I’m sort of out of that world, as my mother (who, you might be pleased to know, was as impressed with government folks as I am— she was very funny, and a bit of a mimic—she would have loved you) died in1995. Darren’s alcohol-slosh-and-music-fest in the park on the Mother’s Day weekend is fine with me— set mom, grandma, and the kids on a metal chair, and head over to the beer garden. If Darren wants to “honor” mothers, I’m all for it. What I don’t appreciate is the Town of Taos forking over $6,000 for the portable toilets, stage, and security, among other things. Additionally, the Taos Police provide protection on the grounds, with the town also absorbing this $4,000. cost. Put on all the for-profit events you want, but don’t expect taxpayers to foot the bill. It’s insanity.

“Jeff Northrup wants to cancel the Taos Fiestas”

Actually, Iike and enjoy the July event more than anyone I know. As a Lion, I do the manpower scheduling for the Lions’ Club Tio Vivo carousel/merry-go-round. Mostly, I schedule two-and-one-half hour shifts, with four or five of us old geezers per shift. I usually work three of the four shifts on Saturday and Sunday, just because I so enjoy it. The parade is fun, and I sneak away to see it. Most people think the Fiestas was a much better event years ago, before there was so much garbage being sold in the booths, along with too much alcohol and violence, or at least the fear of violence.

My issue is that it is illegal for the town to support this religious-inspired event— possibly you’re familiar with the establishment clause in the United States Constitution? The independently owned Fiesta Council operates the Fiesta, and the town is only one of their sources of funding. I have looked at the invoices submitted to the town by various Fiestas vendors, and have found many to be incomplete as far as identifying the goods and services provided—very sloppy billing and payment process. But this is all mute, as any payments are illegal.

“Jeff Northrup is unpatriotic; he doesn’t even want us to have Fourth
of July fireworks, celebrating our country”.

Actually, I have a greater love for the USA and its laws and traditions than most people, including you. I strive to make this a better land, and confront people, especially politicians, who make a mockery of truth and justice, and the laws of the land. Fireworks are a fine American tradition. However, the noise from this annual display in Taos causes a great deal of stress and harm to animals who are within four or five miles of the explosions–they are frightened to death for almost a solid hour, trembling, cowering, jumping fences, hiding. The fear that this event evokes to so many animals cannot be justified by the entertainment value; and you can still have your alcohol party at the mayor’s town home, or his country villa in Llano— but remember, no kids shooting off fireworks in the street. Additionally, in these hard economic time, spending $23,000 on fireworks while cutting back services such as the library and Youth & Family Center cannot be justified.

“Jeff Northrup and Jerome Lucero stopped the sales tax increase for no

Actually, we had many reasons, as we pointed out to the town council in two presentations I made, and one Jerome made, this summer; you totally ignored our concerns (and those of several other speakers), and voted in the tax increase. You still refuse to close the convention center, even though you promised to do so. New hires on the town payroll still get close to seven weeks paid vacation (including holidays) the first year of employment, some even more. I could go on and on, as you so well know. But let’s put it this way…as long as the town has enough money in the kitty to sponsor the mayor’s Mother’s Day weekend, I see no need for a tax increase.

“Jeff Northrup hates Taos, so he should move.”

Actually, I love Taos, having lived here for over 20 years on this go-round. You spent 22 years in the military, returning to Taos several years ago. You decided almost immediately to supplement your income by becoming involved in town government, voting soon thereafter for Super Wal-Mart. Unfortunately, you know very little of the civilian governmental process, and try to exert your will the way the highly structured and regimented military does: you give orders and commands, and we’re supposed to jump. If we dispute your ideas and thoughts (“commands”) you get very angry, even shouting. Maybe you would be more comfortable returning to that environment…….. you would still be living off the taxpayers and building up your retirement benefits, and people would listen to your crap without question….. no First Amendment to stand in your way.

“Jeff Northrup brags that he brought down the gas prices, when it was really me and Darren.”

Actually, you have accused me on many occasions of taking credit for the low gas prices in Taos (by way of my street-side picketing). In fact, I always go to great pains to distance my efforts from the fuel prices at Smith’s and Allsup’s. All I try to do is direct people to the lowest price stations, and discourage any shopping at the convenience stores that have damaged this community for decades. I tell people to thank Smith’s management for what they have done to help our community. And, yes, a few times I’ve told people to stroke yours and Darren’s fragile egos as well. But, the truth is, Smith’s calls the shots regardless of what any of us do.

“Jeff Northrup is a “sore loser” as he was trounced by Darren when he ran for mayor.”

Actually, I never expected to win, and both Darren and I were surprised that I got 189 votes. Darren thought I’d get no more than 50, and I was thinking more like 10. I was appearing at town council meetings and writing numerous letters-to-the-editor long before you came back to Taos. I’ve been in the trenches since the 1960’s, taking my lumps in the battles with disingenuous politicians and big-shot businessmen. 189 votes, I’m humbled.

“Jeff Northrup is the only one who ever complains about the job we’re
(mayor and council) doing.”

Actually, while I might be the most visible crybaby in town, there are hundreds, if not thousands, who laugh and shake their heads at you and your town government. I don’t really know why people don’t speak up publicly, either to support what you’re doing or to criticize. Lazy, fear of retaliation, fear of public speaking, fear of being held up to public scorn by you, I just have no idea. Why don’t people stand on the edge of the road with picket signs? How do we allow the politicians to start wars for no legitimate reasons, or give more tax breaks to the filthy rich? You tell me. In fact, am I to assume that you are 100% happy with our state and federal government as I never hear a peep out of you in that arena?

You said on Nancy’s show this morning that you won’t be reading the e-mails related to animal abuse at Stray Hearts even though they are written by prominent members of that community, and the town spends $90,000 per year supporting that facility. You “know” that everything is just fine there, as does the mayor.

The main reason that Michael Arms gave the shelter a reasonable grade two years ago was because it had a low euthanasia rate; since then, the killing has increased
exponentially. Can you not see how foolish your talk is? You might consider being like your fellow councilperson Amy Quintana, and never speak in public. It’s very depressing for logical, intelligent people to listen to your words.

Anyway, “Jeff Northrup ain’t going away”..……. actually.

Yours sincerely, wasting away–

Jeff Northrup