Don’t Read, Don’t Tell

By: Bill Whaley
10 December, 2010

Warning Label: What you are about to read might raise your blood pressure, endanger your job prospects, or offend your sense of optimism.

Julian Assange - wikileak founder in Sweden - August 2010

WikiLeaks spokesmen Julian Assange has been shoved into a deep freeze by British cops and courts, due to an Interpol warrant issued by the Swedes. The irreverent Aussie, according to leaks on the Internet, may have engaged in hetero-sex without a condom, contrary to the wishes of his partners. As the hubbub continues about classified documents leaked to the public—a million documents—new warnings have been deployed against American writers and readers: “Don’t read, don’t tell” (Sounds like the Taos Municipal Schools system curriculum) –by Homeland Security.

For instance, classified information leaked by WikiLeaks’ Assange and Anonymous, most of which were previously available as news reports from the independent press, includes a list of top secret terrorist targets in the U.S.: Interstate Highway System, military posts, dams, nuclear sites, utility grids, etc.

The Homeland Security memo specifically warns web site posters that public web sites may no longer mention the existence of a weapons and research facility in a town not far from our own here in El Norte. You may be shocked to learn that plutonium pits are being processed at (anonymous). But we don’t want to be prosecuted under the Espionage Act for giving aid and comfort or secrets away to the enemy.

(Apparently, agents are picking up Rand McNally maps and guides that list security sites today from gas stations.)

The Obama Administration, like the Bush Administration, believes in reading our mail. Further, Obama has joined with Republicans and sympathetic Democrats to support Bush-era bank bailouts and tax cuts for the wealthy and, consequently, the continuing growth of Ronald Reagan’s sponsorship of income inequality. As one Nobel Prize winner in economics put it, “We privatize profits and socialize losses” (not unlike KCEC here in Taos).

Wikileaked secrets about U.S. torture and bank fraud are being processed for public consumption as we speak.

The Wikileaked cables and videos reveal how the U.S. Military targets civilians, women and children, and journalists, whether directly or indirectly—then asks for local nation states to take the blame. The National Security state thrives on terror and secrets. American claims about “freedom” and “Democracy” no longer hold out much promise for political refugees, according to former KGB man, Vladimir Putin.

But our “culture” does.

According to secret memos leaked by Assange et al, David Letterman, sit coms, sports, and music, the creative arts, are far more effective at winning the “hearts and minds” of the Arab street than the propaganda of the U.S. State Department or the guns and butter deployed by the military in Afghanistan. Basically, everyone would like to come to America, study, party, and have a good time. (We’re shocked to learn that young Saudis engage in drink, drugs, and unsafe sex behind high walls in exclusive family compounds.)

The reaction to the WikiLeaks reports confirms that the American Government has one real target: the Citizens of the U.S. The corporatized congress and puppet president—like the KCEC Trustees and its CEO—want us to support their follies, pay for their pleasures, and shut up about it. It’s okay for the government to read our mail but not for us to read theirs. Similarly, here in Taos, KCEC’s Broadband implementation will give CEO Luis Reyes and Board of Trustees President Bobby Ortega the ability to read our email. They already study our digital metrics daily and know when we turn on and off our lights. (What’s that about?)  Both trustees and activists have said they believe their phones are tapped from time to time.

Those of us who came of age during the sixties have always known—especially here in the heart of the National Security State—that the government lies and spies. The politicians serve the rich people and the local politicians emulate the national pols. Just don’t have sex without a condom and you’ll be okay. Buy your marijuana from a friend and keep your head down—but not down there. Mike “Off-the-Grid” Reynolds has the right idea: Live free under the sky and ride an earthship into never never land.

And that’s the Way it is.

If you notice any abnormal symptoms after reading the above, visit with your health provider, whether western, eastern, Native or New Age.