Tawdry Taos: Blame the Sordid Breeze

By: Bill Whaley
25 March, 2011

Taos Has Its Own Ex-Airforce Colonel!

The advent of spring this year brings few flowers and much wind. Green shoots struggle against the sordid breezes dropping gray dust and brown dirt on the roads. The tawdry environs of the community–paper and plastic pronged on barbed wire fences—compete for spectators seeking clear-eyed views of the now sordid landscape. Outdoors the pollen is as poisonous for asthmatics as the economy is indoors for small businesses.

Several more small businesses have shut in the last week–a few art galleries, another restaurant. A landlord, who is remodeling a fine dining space on Bent St. lost a tenant. The number of empty storefronts continues to increase even as the number of tourists and second homers continues to decrease. Real estate and construction, like art and tourism, got shutdown by the housing bubble bust a couple years back. Just as property sales began to breathe, local land grant activists threw water on that fire by filing mythic clouds on local deeds.

Due to sordid winds and tawdry effects, Town Hall is beginning to smell like the road kill factory at Crab Hall, where the Fat Cats dine on the revenue from the state generated by Special Ed students. The TipiLeak revelations depict a dysfunctional town government, where a counselor is allegedly free to insult the fairer sex or seek special work for his fraternal relation. Yesterday, a voice, which sounded suspiciously like the political perpster, called local activist Jeff Northrup–a “little fag”–according to videotapes in municipal court admitted into evidence.

The judge convicted the miscreant, Jeff Northrup of “malicious intent,” the key to “criminal trespass,” based on the activist’s history with Cordova–mayoral race, etc. Call it continuing bad blood. The Judge noted a previous warning issued by Cordova to “Stay Away Jeff.” Judge Chavez suspended the 90-day jail sentence and the $300 fine. The town paid for the defendant’s defense and Jeff was ordered to pay a $29 court fee. About forty people, including thirteen witnesses, and assorted members of the press and citizenry were present for the proceedings.

All witnesses for the prosecution testified that the defendant was on the property between 8:30 and 8:45 pm, more or less, as it was getting dark on July 4th, 2010, just prior to the fireworks display. Northrup and his two defense witnesses testified that he had an alibi and was not in the area until about 10:30 pm, after the fireworks. Evidence of a cell phone call from Mayor Cordova to Police Chief Anglada at 10:30 pm would seem to confirm the Northrup account.

Northrup admitted entering the mayor’s property to warn occupants of child endangerment, sometime after the fireworks display ended at 10:10 pm, probably about 10:30 pm, due to an unattended display of fireworks by children. He claimed he immediately left the premises upon request, after thirty seconds or so. The Cordova gang claimed he was there for several minutes. While admitting that fireworks popped in the area, prosecution witnesses said no fireworks occurred on the Mayor’s property.

On the videotape a voice can be heard urging Jeff to go after others in the neighborhood, implying that the “malicious” activist should not single out the fireworks at the Cordova party. The prosecution witnesses in court yesterday sounded like they were coached by the Mob’s consigliere.

The case was decided on its political merit, not on the facts or evidence. The interpretation of the law and facts is up to the Judge. And the Judge must run for re-election next year and his budget is controlled by Town Hall.

The judge’s decision implied that a fireworks ban, approved by the Council is not in this citizen’s responsibility to enforce. Jeff should not take the law into his own hands and reproach the mayor and family members or even Councilor Abeyta for allowing children to endanger themselves on the 4th of July. A pattern of benign care for community, regarding fireworks prior to the incident does not outweigh the “malicious intentions” involved in a thirty second trespassing incident. According to the videotape, a Taos P.D. officer, who charged Jeff with the crime, also warned the patriotic partiers to desist from their unlawful acts, due to the fireworks ban.

The Mayor, by the way, and his Rudester sidekick have denied most of the doings detailed for the public by the Tipster in TipiLeaks. The ex-Colonel, supporter of Walmart expansion and national chain stores in general, is a “leader of men.” But contrary to popular opinion, he’s “not the most interesting man in Taos,” rather he’s a sordid and tawdry counselor, according to the record.

Don a safety mask and hold your nose when you go outside. It smells.

Post Script: The video recording played in court showed much about fireworks but there were no people pictured–zero–contrary to allegations made against Mr. Northrup by the witnesses for the prosecution. Shortly after the court case ended, the wild ex-Colonel and current town councilor reacted to Councilor Sanchez for the latter having criticized the former’s use of  the words “little fag” to characterize Mr. Northrup.

The ex-Colonel invited the 75-year old outside to settle their differences in the manner of a certain Coop Trustee known as “Parking Lot.” Sanchez declined the honor and the Mayor got in between the two men. Maybe Rudy would like to take his chances with “Super Sanch” as he is known, Gene’s son, who just retired from the U.S. Airforce Special Forces. He  is much closer in age to Young Rudy, eh?Â