The Strange Culture at TMS

By: Bill Whaley
12 September, 2011

Breaking News Updates: On Tuesday, Sept. 13, the PRC agenda includes an item referring to KCEC rate request increases–sometime after 9 am. Has the time come for the hammer to come down on the costs of watts? The County agenda for a special meeting at 9 am has one item re: tax adjustments. Will the assessor be forced to raise and/or lower our property rates vis-a-vis state mandate?

Question: Now that the Town is fully engaged in supporting economic development at KCEC with taxpayer funds and the new physical culture facility with town assets, will the Mayor and Council open up the process to the general public? Or do you have to be an insider to play the game? Whatever happened to “Requests for Proposals” that old standby state mandate aimed at good and honest government?

By the way, when is the County going to tell the truth about the dangerously unsafe (?) Ranchos Mutual Domestic Water System? Has La Martina been stymied by a single (non-working) fire hydrant and an alleged low-pressure decaying infrastructure. Whose responsible for the leaky pipes? Do Commissioners expect us to believe fairy-tale stories cobbled together by fairies or are there more “Outlaws” on the loose?

Pray for us St. Francis.

Below the Watcher writes of about the culture of TMS.

A Culture of Corruption

By Lorraine Coca-Ruiz

Corruption in the schools (TMS) falls into three main categories: (1) cheating and deceit (2) waste and mismanagement and (3) fraud and stealing.

Some examples of corruption include:

Selected employees are paid to tutor students outside school hours, which reduces the responsibility and accountability of teachers. Some employees obtain licenses and certificates via corrupt means. Alleged “Ghost teachers” who are no longer (having passed away or never were) employed for various reasons but somebody cashes the checks. This affects de facto student-teacher ratios, and prevents unemployed teachers from being hired for vacant positions.

High absenteeism by teachers affects de facto student-teacher ratios. Inflated student numbers (especially special-needs numbers) aims at manipulating funding. False statements on administrative reports add to confusion. There have been cases of embezzlement affecting materials, equipment, school buildings, etc. Some take credit for what others have done. Some vote (work?) by cell phone?

Some employees will say—deceitfully–that they deliver excellence in education but the PED report card, failing Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) says it all.

That is merely deceitful.

Some employees are spending approximately one-hour or more each day sending and reading personal emails, planning vacations, making sure that the items that were purchased are delivered to their homes, taking frozen food purchased from purveyors, making medical and dental appointments. As well during working hours, employees are known to chase down their parents and children, make arrangements for childcare and eldercare, chat down at the coffee lounge well beyond the 15 minute break; celebrated birthdays and even surf the web, reading Taos Friction, the Albuquerque Journal, The Taos News, and responding to the blogs while on the clock.

That is fraud and stealing.

While some employees are suspected of goofing off during regular working hours in order to obtain overtime (later), many supervisors simply claim overtime. But supervisors are exempt. Some employees arrive at work late everyday, which adds up, especially for those who earn $40 bucks an hour.

That’s stealing.

Some employees gather to attend functions during working hours that are not currently work-related. Yet employees are assigned a specific number of contract/work days and accrue sick leave. One wonders how they have accrued so much “leave time”. Does TMS hire extra secretaries for those who don’t show up to work?

That is waste, mismanagement, and stealing.

The current board of education and the Superintendent are part of the dishonest practices. For instance, have you had the chance to look at the honorary plaque that hangs at the hall wall of the Enos Garcia school building? The current school board and superintendent take credit for a project promoted and begun by the previous board—thanks to the support of the taxpayers. The construction plans were in effect—began–before the current board was elected. Rod Weston was not even a glimmer in an Enchanted eye. Who paid for the plaque by the way?

Call this Plaque an obvious case of deceit. It took a lot of gall on their part. When I saw the plaque I was shocked and surprised at project manager Ken Luna and architect Doug Patterson for participating in this lunacy. That plaque deceives the children; it deceives the parents; it deceives the community. Same on you for taking credit and recognition that you do not deserve.

While I was in Santa Fe, last week I had the opportunity to talk to board member Stella Gallegos concerning her input on the plaque. She stated that she had not given anyone permission to put her name on the plaque.

This item will get investigated.

BTW: Based on a thorough analysis of statewide data, PED has identified the Taos Municipal School District as reporting unusually high rates of special education students and special education services, exceeding the average statewide growth by at least 200 percent.

You might call that attempted fraud and stealing.

According to an April 14, 2011 letter to Superintendent Rod Weston from Education Secretary Hanna Skandera, the state detected “significant and unusual increases in the areas of special education” as well as in “expenses for teacher training and experience,” suggesting abnormalities or potential errors in the data provided by school districts.

That is waste and mismanagement

Here’s more waste: Supplying the well-paid high school principal with housing at the Ranchos Elementary school premises, where his mobile sits. He actually spends his off-campus time at CRAB hall and at the Middle School. What does he have to do with Ranchos and Ranchos with him? Hmmm.

The school district has a title one social worker, who is given referrals for counseling students; however, the social worker spends most of the day at home.

That is fraud and stealing.

Dishonesty is the hallmark of the systemic culture at TMS. That’s my opinion

I’ll be watching