Astrologess Weekly Update Sept 12 – 18, 2011

By: Bill Whaley
12 September, 2011

See questions for town, county, below as well as depressing commentary on the schools. The news is too downbeat to read up here, so we’re sticking with  Catherine’s upbeat  astro graphos as refuge of hope. We need a feel good leader in Taos. Perhaps the Sacred Mountain will recant and bless us (again) with furry white flakes in abundance this winter.

Good News: One of our friends is recovering from a cancer op in Denver with the help of Witness Protection doctors. The internal exile should return to Raoul’s in a month or so. A second friend and journalist has been transferred to a better post out of Town. Apparently Taos is fading into irrelevance as the focus of state and national news. We shall be left staring at our navels.

Astro Update

By Catherine Kenward

If you’re interested in getting an astrology or tarot reading send me an email or call 575.758.4850 to make an appointment. You can read this week’s (or a previous week’s) forecast online at
Monday 09/12 – The Moon is Full in 19 degrees of Pisces at 3:27 AM this morning.
This day gathers momentum as it goes along, by mid afternoon things are humming along nicely (Moon trine Mars at 5:17 PM). Many will prefer to work late tonight and get a jump start on the week ahead. It’s time to call it a day when the Moon opposes Venus (7:45 PM) and people are finally ready to relax.

Tuesday 09/13 – The Moon enters Aries at 12:49 AM.
It’s a fast–paced morning, one of those days when you jump out of bed and hit the ground running. The Moon conjuncts Uranus at 6:59 AM and people’s bodies are moving faster than their brains. Slow down and let your brain catch up, otherwise accidents are bound to happen. The mood gets rather grouchy as the morning proceeds (Moon square Pluto at 10:38 AM). It’s best to hold off on questions and other interactions until later in the day.

Wednesday 09/14 – People try to put on a happy face this morning but the truth is that a Moon/Saturn opposition (10:26 AM) has folks down in the dumps today. Don’t push yourself too hard now. There’s some good news tonight when Mercury trines Jupiter (7:43 PM). This is a good time for any kind of communication. The mood turns optimistic and upbeat. Get together with friends or go out for some entertainment. Venus enters Libra at 8:40 PM.

Thursday 09/15 – A Moon/Mars square (9:06 AM) has people snappish and impatient this morning but the mood mellows before noon as a Moon/Neptune sextile (11:11 AM) exerts a soothing effect. The Moon moves into Taurus at 1:25 PM.

Friday 09/16 – It’s a power day. We wake up with a specific goal on our minds and today is the day to make it happen. The Taurus Moon conjuncts Jupiter, the planet of good luck, (9:25 AM) and things fall effortlessly into place.
Wednesday’s Mercury/Jupiter trine is being activated so, if your good news didn’t arrive earlier in the week, it’s on its way now. The Moon trines Mercury (4:35 PM) this afternoon, making this a prime time to reach out to people, share your news and find out what’s going on. Pluto goes direct at 12:23 PM.

Saturday 09/17 – Hold on to your horses! There’s a runaway train coming down the track. It’s a day of surprises, some of them pleasant and some maybe not so pleasant. It all depends on how Lady Luck decides to deal those cards.
People are ready for a change of pace and are on the prowl. out looking for some adventure and excitement. This is a good day to head for the hills and get away from it all for a little mini-vacation. Venus opposes Uranus (5:06 AM) early this morning setting the stage for a very interesting weekend.

Sunday 09/18 – The Moon moves into Gemini at 2:05 AM. It was hard to get much rest last night. This weekend is pulsing with an energy that made it hard to get to sleep last night (Moon sextile Mars at 1:09 AM) and boosted us out of bed fairly early this morning (Moon sextiled Uranus at 7:51 AM). But the mood is eager and interested and a Moon/Venus trine (11:02 AM) creates a sociable and caring atmosphere that craves interesting company and conversation This weekend’s adventures may have gotten a little too adventurous for some. Those are the folks who are shaking their heads right now and saying, “I did what?!”, as Venus makes a square to passionate Pluto (7:07 PM). For some, sexual adventures and misadventures are the theme for the weekend. For others, some form of addictive behavior may have gotten way out of control. Why not chose a pleasure that doesn’t leave you feeling depleted, one that actually leaves a feeling of contentment?
Mars enters Leo at 7:51 PM. Creative, playful and outgoing, Mars in Leo is a lot more fun than overly emotional Mars in Cancer. The weather will probably warm back up for the duration of Mars transit through the sign of the Lion.

*All times are MDT (Mountain Daylight Time). For EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) add two hours. All aspects in bold are major influences that are in ef0 fect for several days. The Moon’s daily aspects are rapidly shifting influences that are in effect for only a few hours.