Astrologess Weekly Update Nov 21 – 27, 2011

By: Contributor
24 November, 2011

By Catherine Kenward

Monday 11/21 – It’s a quiet day. The only major lunar aspect happens before dawn when the Moon squares Pluto (4:04 AM). Early morning dreams may reflect feelings of grief or betrayal.

Tuesday 11/22 – Venus sextile Saturn (1:19 AM) is serious minded with a strong sense of responsibility and duty, especially toward family and old friends.
Sun enters Sagittarius (9:08 AM). The morning hours are difficult. Energy levels are low and people tend to feel depressed and overwhelmed as the Moon conjuncts Saturn (10:43 AM). Later this afternoon, a Moon/Neptune trine (4:04 PM) lifts our hearts and soothes our spirits. This is a good time to rest or take a nap if you can.

The Moon enters Scorpio at 6:58 PM. People get a second wind this evening when the Moon opposes Jupiter (10:25 PM), creating a more optimistic and sociable mood. After a rather dismal start, the day ends on an upbeat note after all.

Wednesday 11/23 – Many were up into the wee hours of the morning. The Sagittarius Sun trined Uranus in Aries at 3:15 AM, lending a note of excitement and anticipation to the mix. Sun/Uranus is independent and adventurous, urging people to try something new and different for a change. The fiery nature of this alignment brings to mind last spring’s revolutions and rebellions and the “Arab Spring” that happened when Jupiter conjuncted Uranus in Aries.

Today is the opposite of yesterday’s gloomy mood. It’s a good thing we rested up because now, refreshed and renewed, energy levels soar. People are bursting with enthusiasm and innovative plans. All of this is amplified by this morning’s Mars/Pluto trine (7:02 AM) which increases all of this exponentially. There’s so much power here that it may be hard to maintain your equilibrium. Remember to breathe.

Thursday 11/24 – Mercury goes retrograde (2:21 AM), it’s third retrograde period of the year. Thoughts become more reflective and introverted while Mercury is in retrograde.

Happy Thanksgiving. This holiday emphasizes family harmony. People are in a particularly tender and gentle mood as Venus sextiles Neptune (6:53 PM). Venus/Neptune is kind, compassionate and psychically attuned to others feelings.

There’s a solar eclipse at tonight’s New Moon in Sag (11:10 PM) but it won’t be visible in this hemisphere.

Friday 11/25 – People are rather temperamental and impatient this morning, shades of shoppers fighting over department store sales, as the Moon squares Mars (6:06 AM). Try to maintain a little perspective about what is really important.

Saturday 11/26 – Venus enters Capricorn (5:36 AM). There’s a certain wildness and unpredictablity about this day. Interesting characters come out of the woodwork as Venus squares Uranus (7:28 PM). People aren’t afraid to let it all hang out, reveling in their individuality and uniqueness.

The Moon moves into Capricorn at 8:04 PM. Tonight, right after sunset, look to the west for a thin crescent Moon conjunct the bright evening star Venus. There’s a party mood and great entertainment abounds as the Moon conjuncts Venus (9:27 PM), heightening the impact of today’s crazy Venus/Uranus square.

Sunday 11/27 – This has been an exceptionally pleasant holiday. These family occasions can often go sour but not this year (unless you really over-did the Venus/Uranus thing). Take it easy this morning. Too much socializing has left people eager for some peace and quiet and they may be quite grouchy if they don’t get it. (Moon conjunct Pluto at 6:25 AM). Sleep in and avoid the grouchies.
By the time the Moon trines Mars (9:23 AM), the energy level has picked up and we’re ready to face the day. Venus trine Jupiter (2:23 PM) has people feeling relaxed, contented and in the mood for something special. It’s a good shopping day and there’s a strong desire to spend money. It’s a great day for retail, but watch out for a tendency to overspend.
*All times are MST (Mountain Standard Time). For EST (Eastern Standard Time) add two hours. All aspects in bold are major influences that are in ef0 fect for several days. The Moon’s daily aspects are rapidly shifting influences that are in effect for only a few hours.

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