Astrologess Weekly Update Nov 28 – Dec 4, 2011

By: Contributor
28 November, 2011

By Catherine Kenward

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Monday 11/28 – People are having a hard time getting back in gear after the holiday. That tired feeling seems to grow as the day wears on and we head toward a Moon/Saturn square (4:01 PM). Plan for a quiet evening.

Tuesday 11/29 – The Moon enters Aquarius at 12:02 AM.
It’s a low key but pleasant day. There’s an atmosphere of harmony as the Sun and Moon sextile (1:09 PM). Lunch with a friend cheers up the day.

Wednesday 11/30 – It’s a busy morning. The phone starts ringing early as a Moon/Mercury sextile (6:36 AM) has people eager to communicate. Heads are buzzing with plans and ideas and people want to talk about it now.
It’s another quiet evening, a good night to work on some project at home.

Thursday 12/01 – Early morning dreams are especially potent when the Moon conjuncts Neptune (4:27 AM). Try to remember these messages from your unconscious when you wake up. There could be something important here. Venus conjunct Pluto (6:50 AM) brings an emotional intensity that is prone to dramatic scenes. Under this influence it’s easy to be swept away by feelings of abandonment, betrayal and grief. Memories of difficult situations from the past replay themselves to the extent that it’s hard to think of much else. Sometimes going over and over an event helps clear it of the emotional charge it carries, so there may be some point to this after all.
The Moon moves into Pisces at 7:45 AM.


After a moment of private grief, people assemble a happy face to present to the world and often pretending to feel better than you do really does cheer you up. It seems to work today and folks perk up as the Moon moves into a series of sextiles to Jupiter (10:23 AM), Pluto (7:53 PM) and Venus (9:19 PM). The mood lightens and it turns into a lovely day but the things change if you stay up much past midnight, so tuck in before the witching hour.

Friday 12/02 – There’s tension in the air today and someone is itching for a fight. Last night’s dreams reflect a lot of aggression and suppressed anger (Moon opposition Mars at 3:02 AM) and it’s all on the tip of your tongue this morning. Biting sarcasm or snide commentaries start the day off on an unpleasant note as the Sagittarius Sun squares Mars in Virgo (6:08 AM) and the Moon eggs us on with a square to Mercury (11:06 AM). Even everyday communications seem to be delivered with more force than is necessary or helpful. Try and tone it down a bit.

Saturday 12/03 – The Moon enters Aries at 6:51 PM.
It’s a wild night. The Moon conjuncts rowdy Uranus at 8:10 PM. It’s been a difficult week and people are ready to let off some steam tonight. Uranus is always rather unpredictable and accident prone so have fun but be aware.

Sunday 12/04 – Drama, drama, drama. So maybe last night wasn’t that much fun after all. The Moon triggers Thursday’s Venus/Pluto conjunction so those difficult feelings are back in full force today as the Moon squares Pluto (7:40 AM) and Venus (3:56 PM).

The Sun conjuncts Mercury (1:52 AM) and Mercury squares Mars (4:19 PM). People have a lot to say and the tension and arguments from earlier in the week continue to escalate. Fiery debates and polarized opinions fan the flames of dissension. There may be some compromise in sight this evening when the Moon trines Mercury (5:00 PM) and the Sun (8:20 PM) and folks may finally be ready to start listening to each other. If you have something important to discuss, it probably can’t be postponed any longer. It’s time to lay your cards on the table.

All times are MST (Mountain Standard Time). For EST (Eastern Standard Time) add two hours. All aspects in bold are major influences that are in ef0 fect for several days. The Moon’s daily aspects are rapidly shifting influences that are in effect for only a few hours.

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