By: Bill Whaley
28 June, 2010

Flavio, Friction legman,  himself just returned from an unexpected trip to Nogales, Mexico and Columbus NM, courtesy a civil rights violation by the AHP.“Si. I stopped in Flagstaff for gas on my way to see my sister in Needles. I got out to clean up an oil spill and a couple of AHP coppers asked me for my papers.”

“I tried to make a joke, saying `I don’t need no stinkin’ papers,’ but they had no sense of humor and were too young to have seen the movie. Then I tried the Vegas-Kilmer way: ‘Gringos, we been good to you for 400 years.’ They dropped me in Nogales. I took a bus to the border at Columbus. Los Americanos recognized me and let me back into Nuevo Mexico. Caramba, muy malosos en Arizona.”

Mora Coop News

To the Editor:

“As a member of the Mora San Miguel Electric coop and a former general manager of the Coop I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Coop for their vote on Saturday regarding the By-law elections. I along with several coop members attend the monthly board meetings and we as a group have a good understanding of the happenings at the Coop. We will continue to monitor what happens at the coop and keep the membership informed.

“As a result of the elections it is clear to me that the coop members get it. They passed the only by-law that needed to pass. The members should be congratulated for passing by-law number 18 which requires the coop to adhere to the New Mexico open meetings act. All of the other by-laws were simply not necessary or a request to go back to the past.

“I feel that I must comment on a statement that was made in the paper regarding the new manager’s idea of trying to find funds for construction of a new service center: an expenditure of that magnitude will simply result in the coop going back the level of financial instability that was there when I was hired as the Manager of the Coop in April of 2005. The coop was close to bankruptcy or in need of a rate increase. We implemented a 7 % increase and the coop turned around and headed in the right direction. But if new monies are granted for a new service center, even though it might be part loan and part grant, the members will see a rate increase. The cost for such a project could be as high as 10 million dollars. I tend to agree with another consumer Bridget Maloney that this kind of an expenditure needs to be looked at very carefully in order to avoid another rate increase.

“The bottom line is that the members were very wise in casting votes on Saturday. As the former manager of that coop with 28 years of utility experience I would like to thank the members for their wisdom.”

Jerome Lucero (former Mora-San Miguel Elec. Coop Manager)

Editor’s note: About 650 members of the tiny Mora-San Miguel Coop attended the annual meeting—about twice as many as needed for a quorum. In contrast, KCEC, several times larger, couldn’t manage a quorum for the first time in 15 years at its June 12 annual meeting. Kit Carson has over 28,000 meters and Mora-San Miguel just over 10,000 meters.