More Blood in the Water at the County?

By: Bill Whaley
11 July, 2012

According to Friction sources, now that manager Jake Caldwell has been terminated, more employees at the County might get the axe. Despite the lack of lawsuits at the jail according to a County insider, which is due to Director William Cordova’s and his assistant Mary Mylet’s supervision, things could get a little rough. Apparently, a sergeant, who was promoted and satisfied the guidelines of the personnel code, might also be demoted, exposing the county to a labor lawsuit. Other department heads were notified to prepare for a “rough time,” sources say. The Shadow Knows.

Apparently Commissioner Chavez is visiting Pittsburgh to learn about detention matters. Wait? Isn’t that job supposed to go to Nick?

See for a background check of the current Taos County Juvenile Center Director, who is in line for a promotion, if things go according to the chess game. Insiders say term-limited Commissioner Nick Jaramillo and the JCD frequently confer, according to surveillance tape. Election-challenged Commissioner Andrew Chavez must also figure out how to get himself a job or jobs for  simpatico employees at the county. If the two nitpickers can get a compatible county manager on board, then they can get others hired before Commissioners-elect Gabe Romero and Tom Blankenhorn are sworn in and interfere with best political practices.

Before you criticize Nick and Andrew, remember what Manuel “Pablito Red” Trujillo said in 1998 after the November election. Asked whether the new commissioners planned to fire County Manager Sammy Montoya, Pablito Red, the eventual commission chair said, “We’re just going to open up the process.” He also said, “Everyone wants to work for Taos County.”

On the other hand, former Commissioner Virgil Martinez used to say, repeatedly, “I feel sorry for Taos County.”

Former Questa mayor Charley Gonzales has been mentioned as a possible candidate for county manager but Charley says he has publicly stated he’s not interested. Who then? Pablito Red? No. Rick Bellis, no, no. Maybe Gus? Why not? Or how about Jerome?

Commissioner Chavez has a distinguished background in finance and Commissioner Jaramillo has law enforcement and code enforcement experience as well as a passionate interest in the arcana of planning and zoning regulations.

You can sleep well tonight, your Commissioners are awake. Besides, except for the blood, they broke up the mid-summer monotony with some outstanding entertainment.