Taos County Telenovela Continues

By: Bill Whaley
12 July, 2012

Has the McKinley County “Kiss” turned into the Taos County “Hug”?


Apparently, on Tuesday night when the Taos Commissioners canned County Manager Jake Caldwell—despite the alleged “lack of cause”—the meeting ended at about 6:30. By 8 pm all the employees with targets on their backs knew what had been said during executive session—thanks to Commissioner “Big Mouth.” Two top jail administrators, the facilities head, chief planner, and emergency management maven were targeted for termination, according to sources.

The Interim manager, County Attorney Barbara “Smitty” Martinez is trying to keep things from imploding, while Commissioner Chavez enjoys what Commissioner Jaramillo used to refer to (in Commissioner Don Francisco’s case) as a “vacation-trip” to Pittsburgh. A convention of jail experts are meeting there this week.

Will the above targets be dismissed by the end of the month? We’re only asking.

Multiple sources say a certain commissioner wanted the top jail administrator’s job and mentioned it during executive session. Now the current jail administrator has filed a “grievance” (sexual harassment) against said commissioner.

A sexual harassment claim can be filed by anyone who is directly or indirectly affected by inappropriate relationships among management and staff or elected and appointed officials, especially if the relationship creates a hostile work environment.

Apparently, everybody at the county is watching everybody—the county has always leaked like a sieve. Sources say county video or surveillance tape will be impounded and lip readers hired to investigate the “grievance.” An Albuquerque television station is expected to make a request for the telenovela under the New Mexico public records inspection act. A previous story posted on You Tube features a kiss, said to highlight county employee-management relations in the Gallup area, which caused a manager to get fired. Taos might soon get its moment in the telenovela.

By the way, we saw Young Jake Caldwell, leaving town with his in-laws. He said the vacation was already planned. He seemed relaxed. He told us at Butchie’s funeral on Sunday that he didn’t think he’d get fired. I guess he was surprised.

Apparently, the post-election blues set in at the county. Somebody has to pay when a prominent politico loses office or the commissioners’ cuates don’t get hired. As the chess game continues, the movida makers are upping the ante.

Today’s favorite to succeed Jake is Dayna Duran, finance department head. If she were appointed, some say Commissioner Chavez could seize control of the department; others say he’s thinking about the Taos County Housing Authority. (Ed. Note: Ms. Duran says she’s not interested in the County Manager’s job, laying that rumor to rest.) Perhaps Commissioner Jaramillo might accept Emergency Management as a consolation prize—just to make peace…

Hey guys, leave a little something for commissioners-elect Tom and Gabe come New Year’s Day. The rest of us can look forward to more of “hot August nights” in July.