Astrologess Weekly Update Nov 5 – 11, 2012

By: Contributor
5 November, 2012

By Catherine Kenward


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Monday 11/05 – The Moon enters Leo at 12:39 PM. It’s a rather uninspired day that loses momentum as it goes along. Plan to spend a quiet evening home (Moon square Saturn at 7:58 PM). For those who are still up, or just waking from a long nap on the couch, there is a burst of mental energy later tonight when the Moon makes a grand trine with Mercury (8:57 PM) and Uranus (10:44 PM).

Tuesday 11/06 – Election Day. It’s a lovely day. A friendly, happy mood makes this a great morning to get together with a friend for coffee or get going on a creative project (Moon sextile Venus at 10:14 AM). Mercury goes retrograde (4:04 PM) today. This retrograde takes Mercury back and forth over a square to illusive Neptune. Interestingly, this was happening back in Nov 2000 when there was so much confusion over the election and we ended up with a court appointed president. The planet Jupiter is also back in the same place it was in Nov 2000. Hopefully, we won’t be getting an instant replay. The good vibes continue this afternoon. A Moon/Jupiter sextile (4:45 PM) extends the morning’s optimistic mood into the evening hours. Today’s lineup triggers Friday’s Venus/Jupiter trine so we’re sailing on smooth waters for the rest of the week. Venus/Jupiter has people feeling relaxed, outgoing and in the mood for fun.

Wednesday 11/07 – The morning gets off to an active start. People are up and on the go as a Moon/Mars trine (8:27 AM) has us energized but not stressed. Tonight the Moon moves into Virgo at 9:35 PM and shortly afterward it opposes Neptune (10:15 PM). Neptune rules sleep and dreams and this is where we should all be heading.

Thursday 11/08 – Optimism is the word of the day. People are feeling elated, even euphoric, as the Moon squares Mercury (5:06 AM) and Jupiter (11:23 PM) over the course of the day. There is a tendency to over-estimate your resources and your energy right now. Don’t over-commit to doing more than you can possibly manage. Short cuts taken now tend to backfire later on.

Friday 11/09 – Venus in Libra trines Jupiter in Gemini (12:26 AM). This aspect is in effect from Tuesday through Sunday. It evokes a light hearted, playful frame of mind. In these signs, Venus/Jupiter likes to party and have fun and, as usual with Venus/Jupiter, to spend money. This alignment is a real budget buster. Things get a little frantic this afternoon as the Moon approaches a square to Mars (4:57 PM). Rush hour will be nuts.

Saturday 11/10 – The Moon moves into Libra at 2:35 AM. It’s the grumpiest day of the week. We’ve been doing pretty well so far but this day rises up unexpectedly and bites us in the rear. The morning starts off well. The emphasis is on organization and communication but later this morning the Moon opposes Uranus (11:08 AM) and things begin to go haywire. Flexibility and improvisation will help get you through when things start to go awry.

Speaking of grumpy, the Moon squares Pluto (3:33 PM) this afternoon as people react to the morning’s events. This is a good time to hole up for some much needed personal space and quiet time.

Sunday 11/11 – We’re back in the pink today, tuned into the Venus/Jupiter trine.
This morning the Moon conjuncts Venus in Libra (7:13 AM) so the mood is tender and people are feeling sociable and ready for some company. It’s an interesting evening. People are energized and a little restless as the Moon sextiles Mars (10:13 PM). Romance is in the air. Neptune goes direct (12:53 AM).

*All times are MST (Mountain Standard Time). For EST (Eastern Standard Time) add two hours. All aspects in bold are major influences that are in effect for several days. The Moon’s daily aspects are rapidly shifting influences that are in effect for only a few hours.

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