El Mitote: Snowden–Northrup Watch

By: Bill Whaley
2 July, 2013

Give me truffles or give me death!
News leaks from abroad suggest NSA leaker “Fast Eddie” Snowden might receive asylum in Paris. As Robert Scheer reports, “French technology minister Fleur Pellerin was so impressed with the significance of the information leaked by Snowden that she entertained the idea of an international whistle-blower protection for individuals who leak information exposing what they believe is illegal activity. “There is no international statute that allows for the protection of these people if necessary,” Pellerin said Monday. “I think it is a good occasion to get into the subject, which is a gray area of international law.” Truthdig.com

Historian and longtime Francophile William Pfaff reports from Europe: “In France, and at the European Parliament, there is discussion about granting Edward Snowden political asylum in France or the E.U. (necessarily minus the U.K., given Britain’s longstanding collaboration with NSA communications interception), or to establish some form of internationally guaranteed asylum available to those persecuted in their own countries for having performed what internationally is regarded as an act of courageous public service.”

Sign Man Frustrates Town Hall: Chief Quits

In tiny Taos, a political protester has been blamed for leaks about local corruption, leading to the resignation of the Taos Police Chief. Sign man Jeff Northrup has repeatedly challenged the Taos Police Department to arrest larcenous sign thieves, who disagree with his message about “corruption.”

A week ago Sunday, witnesses identified a vehicle with two young males, stealing political protest signs. One week later on Sunday, the feisty sign man chased down the vehicle in a preemptive strike to prevent larceny and snapped pictures of the politically well-connected miscreants. Still no arrests. In a series of emails, copied to the press et al, Northrup has challenged the integrity of the Taos Police Department.

Meanwhile, insiders at town hall say the mayor and manager have scrounged up $1.2 million for the airport expansion federal match at the expense of employees and public services. Employees have been forced out, laid off, or positions left vacant. In the effort to subsidize the airport project, bibliophiles are now being charged $10 a head to borrow books from the local library.

The town’s on a losing streak and has struck out twice in recent battles with the county. District Judge Jeff McElroy denied a motion to dismiss the county’s lawsuit against the town’s ill-fated shoestring annexation of the airport. We should have a hearing and a decision sometime within the next 60 to 90 days.

Meanwhile the county has aced out the town and stolen the march on “economies of scale” and collaboration re: the county’s new and independent E911-Dispatch center. The BLM, Forest Service, Questa and Taos Ski Valley have all indicated an interest in joining with the county at their own affordable building, less than a mile from the KCEC Command Center.

The town proposes to move a.s.a.p. into the exotic KCEC Command Center but the lack of adequate electrical power and a poorly designed air conditioning system threaten to stymie the mayor’s promises to the KCEC CEO. Some say the town can’t afford the costly move so more layoffs could be in the offing. New Mexico’s Local Government Division—Department of Finance Authority is looking into the matter.

Insiders blame the mayor’s feud with Northrup for distracting his honor from managing the town and its financial fandangos. “He focuses on Northrup day and night,” said Flavio, a part-time custodian at town hall. “The mayor needs therapy or a couple of martinis.”

(By the way, KCEC CEO Reyes says the town cops are “on it” and should have the Coop robber…soon.)

KCEC’s G&T partner, Tri-State, gave a presentation on Tuesday to the County Commission about their plans to despoil the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument with power poles and lines. When asked by a commissioner about Tri-State’s 5% cap on renewables, the spokesperson said that was an issue for the  Tri-State board. KCEC Trustee Art Rodarte of Ojo Caliente is your local Tri-State rep.

Next year’s municipal judge race is causing sparks on Civic Plaza Drive. Town residents say legal assistant Cyndee Perez has thrown down her stylo and is out knocking on doors asking voters to support her challenge to the beloved muni judge, Dickie Chavez. It’s like choosing between Cruella De Vil and your favorite Wallaby: “Tie me kangaroo down, sport, tie me kangaroo down.”

Judge Chavez campaigned at the Ancianos Center on Tuesday. Flavio says Northrup is mulling it over but will probably support Judge Chavez. According to Flavio, “Ms. Perez is too close to the mayor and before she was at the beck and call of Slick Gus.”

Since town attorney Brian James lost the airport case against the county, El Prado, and the Rio Lucero acequia, which he claimed had “no standing,” local bookies are giving odds, 5 to 1, that the loud mouth will be gone by Labor Day. “The mayor needs the money he’ll save on the salary. He doesn’t need another headache in town hall,” said Flavio.

Northrup says he may ask Sheriff Miguel Romero for political protection, given the lawless behavior of town vigilantes and police department do-nothings. “I’m not fond of truffles, like Snowden,” said the sign man. “I keep asking for green chile but all they give me is the raspberry.”