Astrologess Weekly Update July 8 – 14, 2013

By: Contributor
8 July, 2013

By Catherine Kenward @

Monday 07/08 –This morning the Moon is New in Cancer at 1:14 AM. This is a very fertile time, great for planting and gardening. Weather patterns tend to be wet now, so expect more rain. Cancer loves home, family and tradition. Tension aspects to this New Moon reflect the disturbance and chaos generated by changing conditions in society.

Tuesday 07/09 – The Moon moves into Leo at 4:48 AM. Today’s Sun/Mercury conjunction (12:41 PM) is intellectual and very vocal. People feel an urgent need to express their opinions. It’s time to talk. Spirits droop this afternoon as the Moon approaches a square to depressing Saturn (2:27 PM). Energy levels are low and it’s easy to get discouraged. Don’t expect much from people.

Wednesday 07/10 – There’s a festive mood today as the Moon conjuncts Venus in Leo (12:18 PM). Go shopping, have lunch with friends or do something special to luxuriate a little and celebrate life.

Thursday 07/11 – It’s a high energy day. People are feeling extroverted and eager to connect when the Leo Moon sextiles Mars in Gemini (1:54 PM). The Moon enters Virgo at 4:12 PM.
An active day turns into a pleasant, friendly evening as the Moon moves toward a sextile to Jupiter (11:20 PM). Since the signs involved are Virgo and Cancer, entertaining at home seems like the most attractive option.

Friday 07/12 – It’s time to take care of business. There’s determination and momentum to get things done when the Moon trines Pluto (11:39 AM). Tonight is social and intellectually stimulating as the Moon sextiles Mercury (10:30 PM)

Saturday 07/13 – Mars enters Cancer (7:22 AM). Mars in Cancer has a reputation for being temperamental and hard to get along with. This is a good time for tackling projects around the home but Cancer Mars insists on doing it their way and is not particularly open to advice. These tendencies won’t be that noticeable for a couple of weeks. Actually, in this coming week, Mars in Cancer will be showing it’s very best side as it makes a series of very nice trines. And Saturday is generally quite harmonious.

Sunday 07/14 – The Moon moves into Libra at 1:41 AM. There’s a volatile atmosphere today as the Libra Moon triggers a grand square with Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus. People are pressured and tempers are short. Pushing too hard creates more stress. Over-exertion results in unforeseen problems. Take a deep breath and trust that it will all unfold in good time.

All times are Mountain Daylight Time (MDT). Add two hours for EDT.

If you would like to schedule a reading call me,
Catherine Kenward at 575-758-4850
Or email me at

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