Commissioners Meet on Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2013

By: Bill Whaley
19 August, 2013

Editor’s Note: Although the commission meeting appears to concern the usual nuts and bolts of governing, see item X.B: Discussion of Ancianos. Apparently, the current director, has, by all reports, done a good job at the center but may be resigning due to bureaucratic perplexity: trying to fix in two months what seven years of trial and tribulation have wrought. Word has it that the state may have grown impatient with trying right the ship. Centers for Ancianos affected include Taos, Questa, Amalia, and Chamisal.

Under XI A, Commissioner Joe Mike Duran may have some surprises in store for DMC Broadcasting, which stations have been attacking the Penasquero from the right and left flanks, according to radio listeners.

Hey, we create our own entertainment in Taos.



9:00 A.M.

Notice is hereby given that the governing body of Taos County, the Board of County Commissioners, will hold a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, August 20, 2013, at 9:00 a.m. The meeting will take place at the Administrative Judicial Complex, Taos County Administration, Commission Chambers, First Floor, Room 106 located at 105 Albright Street, Taos, New Mexico.


I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Approval of Agenda
A. Amendments
B. Withdrawn Items

V. Citizens Concerns- Discussion and consideration regarding the following:
A. Citizens wishing to speak shall limit their comments to 5 minutes. No action may be taken

VI. Minutes- Discussion and consideration regarding the following:
A. June 14, 2013 – Emergency Meeting
B. July 16, 2013 – Regular Meeting
C. July 30, 2013- Regular Meeting

VII. Presentations – Discussion, consideration, and decisions regarding the following:
A. A Presentation of an Employee of the Month Certificate for the month of August to Bradley Spencer, MIS and Dolores Lujan, Clerk’s Office
B. A Power Point Presentation from Awakening in Taos LLC – Mark Gordon, Producer/Director
C. A Presentation from Taos Pride 2013 – Jane Corrine

VIII. Department Matters-Discussion, consideration, and decisions regarding the following:
A. Public Works – Rick Chavez, Public Works Director
1. Road Improvement Plan
B. Human Resources – Brent Jaramillo, HR Director
1. Request for approval of a Job Description Change for Planning Department GIS Coordinator
C. Indigent Fund- Tammy Jaramillo, Indigent Fund Coordinator
1. Approval of Claim Extension
D. Finance Department – Leandro Cordova, Finance Director
1. GRT Update
2. Education Gross Receipts Tax Improvement Bonds
a. Resolution 2013-44, A Resolution relating to the Taos County Education Gross Receipts Tax Improvement Bonds. Such Bonds in Accordance with Ordinance 2013-11 Adopted July 16,2013; Ratifying certain actions heretofore taken and repealing all action inconsistent with this Resolution
b. Bond Purchase Agreement
c. Direct Deposit Agreement
d. Continuing Disclosure Undertaking

IX. Budget Matters- Discussion, consideration, and decisions regarding the following:
A. Budget Line Item Adjustments –Leandro Cordova, Finance Director
1. EMS Department (0222-1500)
2. Planning Department (2425-2555)
3. Public Works (0204-1600)

X. County Manager’s Report and Matters- Discussion, consideration, and decisions regarding the following:
A. Request for approval of the closure of Taos County Offices on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 for an Employee Appreciation Day
B. Discussion on Anciano’s Program
C. Discussion on Taos County Housing – Rick Bellis, Deputy County Manager
D. Re-Organization of the Adult and Juvenile Detention Centers
E. Other

XI. Commissioner’s Report and Matters- Discussion, consideration, and decisions regarding the following:
A. Discussion and decision on Lodger’s Tax. DMC Broadcasting – Commissioner Duran
B. A discussion on Special Projects Ordinance (Public Works) – Commissioner Blankenhorn
C. Report on NMAC Board Meeting – Commissioner Romero
D. Other

XII. Legal Matters- Discussion, consideration, and decisions regarding the following: (Executive and Public Session) Informational Items/Action Item
A. Discussion concerning a Taos County Employment Claim. This matter may be discussed in executive session under Open Meetings Act exemption 10-15-1(H)(7), which allows for discussion of pending or threatened litigation and Open Meetings Act exemption 10-15-1(H)(2), which allows for discussion of limited Personnel Matters.

XIII. Adjournment

If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the meeting, contact the Taos County Administration Office located at 105 Albright Street, Suite G, Taos, New Mexico as soon as possible or call (575) 737-6300.