FBI Post Office Mug Shot: Katherine Ann Power

By: Bill Whaley
22 October, 2013

Dear Readers,

If you haven’t already heard, Katherine Ann Power will be in Taos on Friday Oct. 25 at the TCA (7-8:30 p.m.).

The former Brandeis student and Vietnam antiwar activist drove the getaway car after a bank robbery went awry, leaving a Boston policeman and father of nine dead. She lived underground for 23 years. This is her first speaking engagement after a six-year prison sentence and 20 years’ probation, complete with gag order.

I read her book of prose and poetry, Doing Time, on the planes from Santa Fe to Portland. It put me in prison in an immediate and empathic way, feeling the degradation, as well as the heartache of being away from home, family, garden and kitchen — “tasting the powerlessness you have to swallow.”

I highly recommend coming to listen to her at the TCA. Poster is attached. And please forward this to anyone you think might be interested in hearing her.

A Friction Reader