Mugging for Walmart

By: Bill Whaley
22 October, 2013

Two Mayoral Candidates: Why does Barrone look nervous?

Two Mayoral Candidates: Why does Barrone look nervous?

Michael G. Trujillo, Taos County Public Information Officer 575.737.6301/


Commission Chairman Proclaims Friday October 18th, Wal-Mart Day at the re-grand opening for the Wal-Mart Store in Taos.

Commission Chairman Daniel Barrone signed a proclamation designating Friday October 18th as Wal-Mart Day. By signing the proclamation, Chairman Barrone commends Wal-Mart’s mission to create opportunities so people can live better; Wal-Mart considers it their responsibility to make a positive impact in the communities they serve. Whether it’s through the grants they provide to the thousands of organizations that share their mission or through the inspiring volunteer efforts of Wal-Mart associates, they are passionate about helping people live better.

The Wal-Mart first opened its door in Taos County in February of 1986. Wal-Mart currently employs 195 local residents, 16 of those employees are original hires from 1986. Of the 196 employees 50 of them have over 10 years of employment with the company.

Wal-Mart has given to communities in New Mexico over thirteen million one hundred and fifty seven thousand eight hundred and sixty two dollars (13,157,862) in monetary contributions for the last FY year.

Funds raised by Associates, Employees of Wal-Mart in Taos have given to local Taos County charities one million two hundred and eleven thousand seven hundred and sixty five dollars (1,211.765) in the last FY;

Total food donated by Wal-Mart to local charities and groups in the last fiscal year totaled one million two hundred and sixty five thousand eight hundred and sixteen dollars (1,265,816).

Wal-Mart in Taos County supports CAV, Taos Police Departments, Fire Departments, Taos County Housing Authority and all local Schools with monetary, food and gift contributions.

Wal-Mart has donated to Taos County’s employee action committee funds and donations for the County Employees functions. Wal-Mart in Taos County allows non-profits and all schools to utilize their facility to have fund raising endeavors’ to support their cause.