Microwaved America

By: Johnny
18 August, 2010

Below Jane Odin publishes a caveat about “smart grids,” etc. Be careful what you ask for. Still, we live interesting times, which will be brought to you on the Internet. – Bill Whaley

Microwaved America

By Jane Odin

(Because truth is stranger than fiction links to reliable sources are included to assist in your appraisal.)

As a microwave grid is being constructed across America it’s interesting to recall a Morpheus quote from The Matrix: “What is real? How do you define real? If you’re talking about what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by the brain.” Wonder how the brain will interpret microwave (MW) frequency at 40GHz and beyond? Wi-Fi has been operating in the 2.4 MW band but now the 4G Network will up the frequency possibilities to 60GHz.

We are electrical creatures communicating via frequencies and wavelengths (alpha, beta, theta etc). Electrical phenomena of various frequencies are inseparably connected with all living cells. Changes in activity are always associated with electrical changes. It’s a reversible relationship: living matter generates electrical current and can be affected by electrical current, in particular microwave frequencies which are not compatible with life as we know it.

The Russians were aware of this back in the ‘50s when they beamed minus 2.4 frequency MW at the Russian Embassy. A manipulation of statistics on embassy workers was shilled to the masses . But clinical analysis by numerous scientists found and detailed the following effect of the 1953 irradiation: chromosomal changes, hematological changes, brain tumors, increased cancer, neurological & cardiac disease. http://www.emfacts.com/papers/icnirp_critique.pdf

We KNOW the US government is aware of MW frequency hazards: the declassified US Army document “Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons” describes folks ‘cooked-up’ by MW frequencies to create a myriad of effects such as induced fevers, voices in the head, nausea and prolonged hyper-thermia.

See: freedomfchs.com/usarmyrptonmicrowavefx.pdf

Another study of the embassy irradiation divides MW effects into 3 stages of development which usually begin approximately 3 years after exposure. This is worth looking at: http://www.magdahavas.com/2010/08/01/pick-of-the-week-5-why-the-double-standard

The argument surrounding effects of non-ionizing radiation have been raging since Ernest Sternglass’s book “Low Level Radiation” published in ’72. He was not alone in finding that prolonged exposure to microwave frequencies gravely compromises the immune system by affecting phagocytosis, the immune response that removes dead and foreign cells. It seems phagocytes stop ingesting bacteria and other foreign bodies. Other immune system disease includes: allergies,mast cells in upper skin and on and on.

The 4G Network is coming to Santa Fe in the guise of Smart Grid to power automated gas/electric/water meters. In June hundreds of demonstrators rallied before the Santa Fe City Council in protest of this system. Only one person was in favor but the majority lost, a telecom ordinance was passed and a document created which does nothing more than outline payment schedules between cell-phone companies and the City of Santa Fe for placement of microwave (MW) antennas in public right of ways. (The City will receive $ for every antenna placed.)This document titled: Ordinance No. 2010 – 14 Article 27 – 2 SFCC 1987 “Telecommunications Facilities Authorized in the Public Rights of Way” can be Googled.

There is much detailed info on the web regarding Smart Grids. They require a “secure control system of tremendous scale.” The system will use point to point microwave and satellite for substation connectivity using 1000’s of “unlicensed private RF mesh nodes in the distribution network within a single utility.” www.prlog.org

The systems covered in the Santa Fe telecom ordinance are Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) which place MW antenna every quarter mile (and closer) throughout an area. When possible they are placed atop already existing utility poles and throughout building structures (called spatial multiplexing) set to power everything from Ipads to RF tagged inventory systems and microwave weapons. Regarding the weapons arena consider the possibilities of a union between HAARP and DAS. Very scary indeed.

Arthur Firstenberg is leading a group protesting Smart Meters. They recently attended New Mexico Broadband Smart Grid Summit (8/16) moderated by Udall and Bingaman. Firstenberg’s group addressed hazards of the “Smart Grid.” Arthur sends email updates and can be reached at 505 471 0129.

Santa Fe is not the only city protesting the 4G assault. Cities and communities across California, Maryland and New York are protesting Smart Meter installations. Sprint and Version are leaders in the conversion to super hi-speed MW transmission and say the systems in large cities will be operational soon. For maps of current 4G Systems see: 4GInfo.com

In Taos a long term employee with Kit Carson Electric told me the Board of Directors is considering installing Smart Meters which will demand the 4G system. Why the rush by utility companies to have this system? “Traditional electrical meters only measure total consumption and as such, provide no information of when the energy was consumed. Smart meters provide an economical way of measuring this information, allowing price setting agencies to introduce different prices for consumption based on the time of day and the season.” It will take outrage to stop the marketplace realities behind this cross-country grid.

Folks who support the safety of microwave frequency are in the biz.This is particularly true since Fiber Optics can handle the same needs without the health hazards. Readers who think MWs are benign might want to research the subject and include Emoto’s photos of water crystals under the influence of microwave frequency. It is a grotesque image found in his water books. Northern NM is excited about Emoto’s forthcoming September lecture in Taos.. Details to be announced.

Hopefully Taos can keep the 4G DAS systems out of town by using fiber optics for super fast activities. If not we need to don aluminum-foil head gear. In fact we’ll need full body protection as demonstrated at hackedgadgets.com/2010/05/09/foil-hat-demonstration/

And for those who will ask why the government would allow such a nightmare to unfold I am reminded of a favorite childhood story. Remember the scorpion who asked for a ride across the river on the turtle’s back? Initially the turtle refused saying the nasty insect would kill him with a deadly sting. But the scorpion said “Oh no because I too would drown.” “Hummm, that makes sense, climb aboard.” Half way across the river the scorpion stings the turtle and they both drown with the Scorpion’s deepest apology – “Sorry, but that’s what I do.” Today’s breed of Scorpion might add “because I love money better than life itself.”