Calling All Students

By: Bill Whaley
19 August, 2010

Please consider taking my class on literature and film this fall, Wed. evenings from 6 to 8:45 pm at UNM Upper Division

Enroll now. Call Mary Lutz at 758-2828

on Ledoux St. Mary tells me I need six more students to register by Friday, Aug. 20 so the class will make. So I’m “Calling all Students.”

Officially, the course is cross-listed as “Topics in Film and Lit. Eng. 388” and “Studies in Film, Cinematic Arts, 330.” Basically, we will discuss the novels below and check out the films adapted from the work. Among others, novelist and screenwriter John Nichols and screenwriter and academy award nominee Tony Huston (The Dead) will share their experiences and insights with students.

We’ll read a novel and watch the film adaptation—one every two weeks. Students taking the course for credit will be asked to do a short response paper on each novel and film plus a longer paper at the end for the course. Students 65 and over can take the course for only $15. Sign up, stimulate the synapses, and have fun. Below are the works we’ll discuss in depth.

The Sterile Cuckoo (Nichols), Maltese Falcon (Hammett), The Dead (Joyce), The Lover (Duras),  The English Patient (Ondaatje). Selected Stories by Raymond Carver (aka Short Cuts), No Country for Old Men (McCarthy), The Unbearable Lightness of Being (Kundera).

If you have questions email me at or phone me at 770-4150.Thank you, Bill Whaley.