Breaking News: Board Suspends Vet’s License At Animal Shelter

By: Bill Whaley
20 October, 2014

“Petey’s Foot Fell Off” and other Charming Tales

The summary of the Board of Veterinary Medicine’s “Findings of Fact”and eight complaints, posted below, reads like the cruelest animal story you’ve ever heard or read. It’s Rated “R” for violence and neglect. Read it and weep. See the order on page 24, suspending Dr. Aversa’s license to practice. The Board also fined him $5,000 and gave him orders to follow a remedial training program if he wants to resume practice. The Animal Shelter Board in Taos seems to lack someone besides lower level staff who exerts oversight at the Shelter.  How many other animals in addition to the eight mentioned were abused?


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